The Diamond Jubilee Special Issue of Institute’s Hindi Magazine “KSHITIJ” was released today (i.e. 11th April, 2019) by Prof. D.V.Khakhar, Director IIT Bombay in the august presence of Padmasree Dr. D.B.Phatak, Retired Professor, IIT Bombay and other faculty, student and staff members. The Director in his opening remarks placed on record and appreciated the effort of Hindi Magazine Editorial Board for the excellent work. He further extended his heartiest gratitude towards the faculty, staff and students who have contributed their hindi articles for this special issue entitled the journey of six decades of IIT Bombay. Prof. Phatak, Prof. Agashe in their address to the audience lauded the writers for their valuable contributions made by way of informatory writings for the Magazine and also inspired the students, faculty and staff members to write popular articles in hindi on scientific subjects for the benefit of general masses of the country. The Editorial Board felicitated the dignitaries on the dais.
The digital copy of the magazine is available on