The IIT Bombay Security Section has several responsibilities in providing protection for Institute property, students and employees of the Institute, residents of the campus and visitors to the campus. The aim of the security policy is to define the role of the Security Section in the performance of its duties. The policy has been made keeping in mind that inconvenience to all should be minimized while maintaining reasonable control on access to the campus. Given their important public role, all members of security section will strictly maintain courtesy and a professional attitude in their dealings with the IIT Bombay community.

The policy and the rules are given here

Link for all downloadable forms for security can be found here

Important notes from the security policy:

  • Security staff are authorized to check the nature and source of any material carried out of IITB Campus. For any institute property carried out of the IITB premises, gate-pass issued by the department/section head countersigned by the security officer is required. For property belonging to any residents, permission letters issued by them may be submitted to the security personnel at IITB gates.
  • Private banners/flags of political parties, religious committees shall not be permitted within IITB Campus.
  • Banners/flags/posters related to officially approved programmes and sponsors for the same may be permitted with prior permission of DD(AIA)/DD(FEA)/Director.

Seeking event permissions



Seeking loudspeaker permissions

As the IIT Bombay campus falls within the jurisdiction of the IIT Bombay institute area, stringent regulations govern the use of loudspeakers. Obtaining permission from the Mumbai Police or relevant authorities is mandatory for such usage. 
The link to obtain the permission:

Vehicle stickers

All residents of the campus must receive authorization to bring a vehicle on the campus permanently. The security section issues a sticker for each vehicle. Please contact the security section to receive the sticker for your vehicle. Old sticker must be surrendered to the security section.