The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) celebrated the 76th Republic Day on January 26, 2025. The celebration began with the unfurling of the National Flag by the Director Prof. Shireesh Kedare at the Institute’s Gymkhana grounds. IIT Bombay security staff and NCC saluted the National Flag. Prof. Kedare addressed the gathering and conveyed his best wishes to the IIT Bombay community on this momentous occasion.
During the event, the Director awarded certificates to winners of an essay writing competition held during Vigilance Awareness Week 2024. Security Officers, guards and staff from IIT Bombay and NCC cadets were felicitated during the event. The celebrations were marked by wonderful performances filled with the spirit and fervour of the Republic Day celebrations by students of Aman Day Care Centre, Campus School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIT Bombay and NSS.