Design and Degree Show 2019

<p>The IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay organized Design and Degree Show (DDS) 2019 at VMCC, IIT Bombay during June 22-23, 2019.</p><p>DDS is a showcase of the design projects that are a synergetic output of human-centered thinking, critical problem solving, deeper aesthetic understanding and foresight, inculcated and added up in the design arsenal of the graduating students of Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay. The DDS 2019 was inaugurated by Prof. Sudhakar Nadkarni who has the distinction of having intiated three major institutions in the country and was instrumental in starting the Industrial Design Centre at IIT Bombay in 1969.</p><p>The event showcased the design projects by the outgoing batch of Master of Design (MDes) students of five streams and first outgoing batch of Bachelor of Design (BDes) of IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay.</p><p>The event was attended by design professionals, academicians, design students from various institutes and the general public interested in design.</p>