International Climate Research Conclave: 2023

<p>To discuss India’s recent progress in climate research and its agenda and vision for 2030, the Ministry of Earth Sciences and the Department of Science and Technology organized the International Climate Research Conclave 2023 at IIT Bombay on 26-27 May 2023. The key objective was to launch “India’s Climate Research Agenda: 2030 and Beyond and to discuss the 9 themes of the report, 1. Monsoon, 2. Climate Modeling, 3. Aerosols, 4. Hydrology and Cryosphere, 5. Ocean Science, 6. Urban Climate, 7. Carbon Cycle, 8. Extreme Events and 9. Climate Services.</p><p>The Honorable Secretary to MoES, Dr. M Ravichandran, the Honorable Secretary to DST, Dr Srivari Chandrasekhar, and the Secretary to SERB Dr. Akhilesh Gupta inaugurated the ICRC 2023. There were a total of 257 participants from different parts of the country. The report on “India’s Climate Research Agenda: 2030 and Beyond” was launched during the inauguration. The inauguration was followed by the keynote speech by Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, chaired by Dr. M Rvichandran.</p>