<p>IIT Bombay hosted the second edition of its annual CSR Conclave 2023 on June 16, 2023, based on the theme ‘Technology for Development’.</p><p><br />Attended by over 150 top corporates from all over India, the event facilitated powerful dialogue and exchange of ideas to leverage technology for strategic national imperatives, economic and industrial development and last-mile impact.Dr. Ganesh Natarajan,Executive Chairman and Founder of 5F World was the Chief Guest at the event.</p><p>A unique feature of the conclave was the “Tech Showcase,” which saw our faculty present innovative technology initiatives by e-Yantra, the Wadhwani Research Centre for Bioengineering (WRCB), the Biomedical Engineering and Technology Innovation Centre (BETIC) and IIT Bombay’s Makerspace program.</p>
IIT Bombay's Annual CSR Conclave 2023 showcases cutting-edge innovations