Tender Type : Open Tender (Global Tender Enquiry)
RFx No. 6100001080 (Reference No. 1000024095), Bid submission due date has been extended to 13.06.2022.
Due to some technical issues on our SRM portal, a few bidders are not able to submit their responses. Hence, it has been decided to accept offline bids from all the prospective bidders, including those who have already submitted their responses on SRM portal of IIT Bombay. All the interested bidders are requested to submit their two bid response (technical and commercial bids in separate envelopes) enclosed in a sealed envelope superscribing Tender number and due date and should reach the below-mentioned address on or before 13.06.2022 at 1 pm.
The hard copy of the response has to be submitted at Materials Management Division, Gr. Floor, Main Bldg., IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076, Maharashtra.