1 |
Director |
Prof. Shireesh B. Kedare |
director@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767001, 7002 |
2 |
Deputy Director, FIA (Finance, Infrastructure and Administration) |
Prof K V Krishna Rao |
dd.fia@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767091 |
3 |
Deputy Director, ART (Academics, Research and Translation) |
Prof. Milind Atrey |
dd.art@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767011 |
4 |
Dean (Academic Programme (AP)) |
Prof. Suvarn Kulkarni |
dean.ap@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767049 |
5 |
Associate Dean (Academic Programme (AP)) |
Prof. Pratibha Sharma |
adean.ap@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767007 |
6 |
Dean (Administrative Affairs (AA)) |
Prof. Nand Kishore |
dean.aa@iitb.ac.in |
022-25765008 |
7 |
Dean (Alumni and Corporate Relations (ACR)) |
Prof. Ravindra Gudi |
dean.acr@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767099 |
8 |
Dean (Faculty Affairs (FA)) |
Prof. Neela Nataraj |
dean.fa@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767009 |
9 |
Dean (Infrastructure Planning and Support (IPS)) |
Prof. Vedagiri Perumal |
dean.ips@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767089 |
10 |
Associate Dean (Infrastructure Planning and Support (IPS)) - I |
Prof. Venkata Santosh Kumar Delhi |
adean1.ips@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767089 |
11 |
Associate Dean (Infrastructure Planning and Support (IPS))-II |
Prof. Ramesh Singh |
adean2.ips@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767089 |
12 |
Associate Dean (Infrastructure Planning and Support (IPS))-III |
Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan |
adean3.ips@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767089 |
13 |
Dean (International Relations (IR)) |
Prof. Sudarshan Kumar |
dean.ir@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767076 |
14 |
Dean (Research and Development (R&D)) |
Prof. Sachin C. Patwardhan |
dean.rnd@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767039 |
15 |
Associate Dean (Research and Development (R&D)) |
Prof. Upendra V. Bhandarkar |
adean.rnd@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767039 |
16 |
Dean (Student Affairs (SA)) |
Prof. Suryanarayana Doolla |
dean.sa@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767079 |
17 |
Associate Dean (Student Affairs (SA)) |
Prof. Atul Srivastava |
adean.sa@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767079 |
18 |
Dean (Educational Outreach (EO)) |
Prof. Usha Ananthakumar |
dean.eo@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767006 |
19 |
Dean (Strategy) |
Prof. Krishna P. Kaliappan |
dean.strategy@iitb.ac.in |
022-25766095 |
20 |
Registrar |
Mr. Ganesh Bhorkade |
registrar@iitb.ac.in |
022-25767021 |