IIT Bombay celebrated the 71st Republic Day of the nation on January 26, 2020. It was on this day in the year 1950 that the Constitution of India came into effect, thereby, cementing India’s status as a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic. The day began with the unfurling of the national flag by the Institute’s Director Prof. Subhasis Chaudhuri at the Gymkhana Grounds. IIT Guard of Honour from NCC gave the salute to the flag. The celebrations witnessed march past by the students of Campus School and Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Security team, NCC cadets and guides.
Prof. Subhasis Chaudhuri inspected the platoons and addressed the gathering and shared his best wishes with IIT Bombay community on the occasion of Republic Day.
As gratitude of appreciation, certificates, awards and cash prizes were given to meritorious staff, students of IIT Bombay, Campus School, Kendriya Vidyalaya, KG School, winners of Essay Writing Competition held during Vigilance Awareness Week, Aman Day Care Centre and NCC.
The students from NSO group presented patriotic songs on the occasion.
The volunteers of NSS, IIT Bombay presented a street play 'Bheja fry'. The play focused on the issue of mental Health and how little stress bursts are leading to a bigger problem.
A variety of cultural programmes mesmerised the audience. The children of Aman Day Care Centre performed a dance and a puppet show based on “no plastic”. The students of Kendriya Vidyalaya performed “Lezim” - folk dance from the state of Maharashtra.
The students of Campus School performed Ballet (on Nrutya Natika) titled ‘One who has never been defeated’.