Room No.23, 2nd floor, VMCC, IIT Bombay
The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay is organising an Institute lecture on Monday, January 20, 2025.
The details of the Lecture are provided below:

Title: "Building and Sustaining Academic-Industry Partnership for Accelerating Innovation: Case Study for Thermal Spray Manufacturing"
Speaker: Prof. Sanjay Sampath, Distinguished Professor, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook University
About the Speaker:
Prof. Sanjay Sampath (Director, 2002-2008, Center for Thermal Spray Research, Stony Brook University). Extensive contributions to academic activities in areas of teaching, research, and university service. Supervised 30 Ph.D. students, and 30 MS students to date, with an additional 3 MS and 2 Ph.D. students currently enrolled. Contributed to mentoring students at both undergraduate and graduate levels and initiated new curricula and teaching strategies. Participated actively in senior projects and undergraduate research initiatives and developed a variety of opportunities for undergraduate students. Enhanced Stony Brook's unique thermal spray laboratory established a tribology and thermal properties laboratory, and added an electronics and sensor characterization facility. Supervised and supported 15 staff members and 30 post-doctoral fellows and developed extensive interdisciplinary interactions, including numerous international collaborations Significant and wide-ranging contributions to the development of a strong, vibrant interdisciplinary research enterprise. Led and secured several competitive grants from NSF, DoD, DoE, and industry. Research sponsorships as PI in excess of $ 35 M to date over the last 25 years from federal, state, and industrial sources. Key member of the team to successfully establish the NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at Stony Brook in 1996 and renewed till 2007. Developed innovative new direct writing concepts through a $5M DARPA-funded initiative on mesoscale electronics and sensor systems. Co-directed research efforts on a 'NIST-Advanced Technology Program' with Caterpillar Inc. on Functionally Graded Materials. Initiated multidisciplinary collaboration with MIT, Northwestern, Santa Barbara, and various national laboratories as well as numerous international institutions Principal architect in establishing and developing a successful industry-university partnership. The Consortium for Thermal Spray Technology, now entering its 18th year is a pre-competitive partnership among 30+ leading industries involved in coatings, thermal spray and related materials. Successfully transitioned university-developed technologies into industrial practice through enterpreneurships including technology licensing and commercialization. Recipient of two R&D 100 awards for successful technology transitions of scientific elements to industrial practice. Established a state-of-the-art industrial-level thermal spray manufacturing research facility through industry support. The Center boasts some $7M in equipment seven thermal spray cells incorporating advanced process diagnostics and a wide range of characterization and testing tools for spray coatings and serves as a national user facility.
[Speaker's webpage:]
Innovations in engineering systems, materials and manufacturing often experience slow transitions from research and development to manufacturing integration. Adoption of new technology in these complex systems is tightly controlled by system producers with rigorous and lengthy testing, validation and implementation protocols. On the other hand, academia, research labs and small businesses play a significant role in invention and innovation but often these advancements are disconnected from system issues resulting in limited utilization. Clearly, effective and continuous communication among technology innovators and system integrators is necessary to ensure efficient adaptation of new technologies into the market place. The Center for Thermal Spray Research (CTSR) at Stony Brook University has established such a partnership concept to shrink the product development and innovation life cycles for the focused area of thermal spray materials processing. Thermal spray is a widely used industrial technology for the protection of engineering components and incorporation of functional surfaces. CTSR through its industrial consortium for thermal spray technology brings together academia, small business and industry in a pre-competitive setting to • Rapidly examine value proposition of new technology insertion across the supply chain to examine benefits • Identify critical implementation issues and adaptation requirements for new methods and strategies • Provide a frame-work for pre-competitive knowledge and data sharing as a platform for innovation. The presentation will cover some salient attributes of the partnership and innovative strategies to bring science into the industrial practices of manufacturing.