Specialization: Propulsion 

Awards & Fellowships

  • A. von Humboldt Fellow (F.R. Germany)
  • Fellow - DFG-Mercator Professorship Program (F.R. Germany)
  • Fellow - Foreign Experts' Program for Scientific Research (P.R. China)



Signature Research Papers:

  • Mahulikar S.P., Rao G.A., Kolhe P.S., Rastogi P. 2019 Engine-embedded fuselage’s emissivity optimization for IR-signature reduction of low flying aircraft, Key Engineering Materials, accepted.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Rastogi P. 2016 (Oct) Study of black-hole as dissipative structure using negentropy, Canadian Journal of Physics, 94(10) 960-966.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Kumar P. 2014 (Sep) Scale-invariant entropy-based theory for dynamic ordering, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 24(3) art. no. 033120, 6-pgs.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H. 2013 (Jan) Thermodynamic analysis of a Schwarzschild black-hole fed by cosmic microwave background radiation, European Physical Journal C: Particles & Fields, 73(1) art. no. 2292, 6-pgs.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H. 2012 (Oct) Exact solution for energy analysis of Schwarzschild black-hole fed by CMBR, Astrophysics & Space Science, 341(2) 417-420.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Gulhane N.P., Pradhan S.D., Hrisheekesh K., Prabhu S.V. 2012 (Jul-Sep) Pressure drop characteristics in continuum-based laminar compressible micro-convective flow, Nanoscale & Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 16(3) 181-197. 
  • Mahulikar S.P., Vijay S., Potnuru S.K., Reddam D.N.S. 2012 (Jul) Aircraft engine`s lock-on envelope due to internal and external sources of infrared signature, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems, 48(3) 1914-1923. 
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H., Zhou J.W., Sodhani Y.M. 2011 (Jan), Surface radiative transfer in gas-to-gas co-current micro heat exchanger, AIChE Journal, 57(1) pp. 40-50. 
  • Mahulikar S.P., Kumar R., Tripathi M.S., Pasari L.K. 2010 (Dec) A modified dimensionless number and geometric symmetry in annulus convection with viscous dissipation, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 53(25-26) 5976-5983. 
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H. 2009 (Aug) Exact thermodynamic principles for dynamic order existence and evolution in chaos, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 41(4) 1939-1948. 
  • Mahulikar S.P., Potnuru S.K., Rao G.A. 2009 (Apr) Study of sunshine, skyshine, and earthshine for aircraft infrared detection, Journal of Optics A: Pure & Applied Optics, 11(4) art. no.045703, 10-pgs. 
  • Mahulikar S.P., Khurana S., Dungarwal R., Shevakari S.G., Subramanian J., Gujarathi A.V. 2008 (Oct-Dec) Transient aero-thermal mapping of passive thermal protection system for nose-cap of reusable hypersonic vehicle, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 56(4) 593-619. 
  • Mahulikar S.P., Potnuru S.K., Kolhe P.S. 2007 (Aug) Analytical estimation of solid angle subtended by complex well-resolved surfaces for infrared detection studies, Applied Optics, 46(22) 4991-4998.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H. 2006 (Sep) Physical effects in pure continuum-based laminar micro-convection due to variation of gas properties, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(18) 4116-4123.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H. 2006 (Jul) Physical effects in laminar micro-convection due to variations in incompressible fluid properties, Physics of Fluids, 18(7) 073601, 12-pgs.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Rao G.A., Kolhe P.S. 2006 (Jan-Feb) Infrared signatures of low flying aircraft and their rear fuselage skin’s emissivity optimization, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 43(1) 226-232.
  • Mahulikar S.P. 2005 (Nov) Theoretical aerothermal concepts for configuration design of hypersonic vehicles, Aerospace Science & Technology, 9(8) 681-685
  • Mahulikar S.P., Sane S.K. 2005 (Sep) Theoretical analysis of experimentally observed perplexing calibration characteristics of ball-in-vortex flow-meter, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 127(5) 1021-1028.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Rao G.A., Sane S.K., Marathe A.G. 2005 (Jul-Sep) Aircraft plume infrared signature in non-afterburning mode, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 19(3) 413-415.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H. 2005 (Jan) Theoretical investigation of scaling effects from macro-to-microscale convection due to variations in incompressible fluid properties, Applied Physics Letters, 86(1) 014105, 3-pgs.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H., Hausner O., Kock F. 2004 (Dec) Laminar gas micro-flow convection characteristics due to steep density gradients, Europhysics Letters, 68(6) 811-817.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Herwig H. 2004 (Oct) Conceptual investigation of the entropy principle for identification of directives for creation, existence and total destruction of order, Physica Scripta, 70(4) 212-221.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Tso C.P. 2002 (Mar) A new classification for thermal-development of fluid flow in a circular tube under laminar forced convection, Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) Series A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, 458(2019) 669-682.
  • Mahulikar S.P., Sane S.K., Gaitonde U.N., Marathe A.G. 2001 (Apr) Numerical studies of infrared signature levels of complete aircraft, Aeronautical Journal, 105(1046) 185-192.

For complete list ref. https://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~spm/techpub.html

R&D Areas/Projects: 

Aerothermal Studies - Hypersonic Vehicle, Aerothermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Infrared Signatures of Aircraft Helicopters, Jet Propulsion, Microchannel Cooling of Gas Turbine Blades, Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Stealth Technology

PhD TA Topics: 

Ref. titles of journal articles at URL: https://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~spm/techpub.html




Courses Taught: 

Aircraft, Rocket & Space Propulsion; Engineering Thermodynamics; Heat Transfer - Aerospace Applications (incl. Hypersonic - Heat Transf.); Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics; Spaceflight Mechanics; Stealth Technology

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