Title Division Due date Excerpts RFX number
Multi-Station Multi-Axis Hybrid Layer Manufacturing System Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Purchase Requisition No.1000003633 (Tende

Empanelment of Agencies providing Advertising Services Materials Management Division, IIT Bombay

Tender No.  MMD/Advertising Agency/RC/2018­-19 for "Empanelment of Agencies providing  Advertising Services" , and due date is extended till 31/01/2019 and also corrigendum uploded as

UV and Thermal Nanoimprint Lithography Dept. of Biosciences & Bioengineering

Purchase Requisition No.1000005664 (Tender/RFx No.6100000081)

Due date is extended upto 29.01.2018

400 MHz NMR Spectrometer Dept. of Chemistry

Purchase Requisition No.1000004726 (Tender/RFx No.6100000079)

Mechanical (Localized Property) Testing System Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Purchase Requisition No.1000001451 (Tende

Annual Rate Contract of Custom Clearing & Freight Forwarding Agents Materials Mangement Division

Tender No.MMD/CUSTOM/RC/2019-20

High Resolution Mass Spectrometer Dept. of Chemistry

Purchase Requisition No.1000004729 (Tende

Inverted Microscope Biosciences and Bioengineering Dept., IIT Bombay

Purchase Requisiiton No.

PM Size & Mass Concentration Measuring Instrument Dept of Environmental Science & Engg.,

PR No.1000011816(Tender/ RFx No 6100000230)

Due Date is Extended is till 07/01/2020

Hostel & Residential area cleaning work in IIT Bombay. PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE

Please quote the Tender/Advertisement Number when contacting.


RFX # 6100000076

Selection of Cafe Service Provider in the Faculty Lounge at 4th Floor, New Gymkhana Building and in the Academic Area near Telephone Exchange, Main Building ESTATE OFFICE


High Performance Computing (HPC) Facility Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.

Multi - Angle Light Scattering System Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay

Purchase Requisiiton No.

Supply of Multi Chamber Hot Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition (HWCVD) Cluster Tool Mettallurgical Engineering & Materials Science, IIT Bombay

Purchase Requisiiton No.

Empanelment & Annual Rate Contract of Suppliers for Stationery Items 2018-19 Materials Management Division

There are changes inTender Document and also due date is extended till 17/12/2018, corrigendum uploaded as

Empanelment & Annual Rate Contract of suppliers for Chemicals, Glasswares & Labwares Items Materials Management Division, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076.

Please note : Due Date is extended  till 11/12/2018 at 1.00 pm and Corrigend

Inverted Microscope Biosciences and Bioengineering Dept., IIT Bombay

Purchase Requisiiton No.

Annual Rate Contract for Outsourcing of Radiology Services IIT Bombay Hospital

Please note that, due date is extended and tender document is revised. Revised document uploaded as Corrigendum-I.

Floor Standing X-Ray Diffractometer System Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

InGaAs Camera for Electroluminescence Imaging Department of Electrical Engg.

Purchase Requisition  No. 1000003363  (Tender/RFx No.6100000044)

X-Ray Diffractometer IIT Goa


Liquid Chromatography-Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer System (LC-MS) IIT Goa
Digital Micro Imaging System for 3D Fiber and Fabric Structural analysis Department of Mechanical Engg.

Purchase Requisition No.1000003393 (Tende

High Power Device Dept. of Electrical Engg.

Liquid Chromatography Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer System IIT Goa

Tender No. IITGoa/S&P/2018-19/54/I/CH


High Performance Cluster IIT Goa

Tender No. IITGoa/S&P/2018-19/47/I/MA

Corrigendum is uploaded and due date is extended upto 28.09.2018

Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope IIT Goa

Tender No. IITGoa/S&P/2018-19/44/I/ME

Corrigendum is uploaded and due date is extended upto 28.09.2018

100 GBPS Board Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.

X-Ray Diffractometer IIT Goa

Tender No. IITGoa/S&P/2018-19/48/I/EE


Annual Rate Contract for Outsourcing of Radiology Services IIT Bombay Hospital