Title Division Due date Excerpts RFX number
Single Tile Heating Holder & Single Tile Straining Holder Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
Trim Saw With End Face Grinder Earth Sciences

Oxygen/Nitrogen Analyzer/determinator in ferrous samples MEMS

Raman Spectrometer With High-Temperature Mechanical Engg. Dept.

Ultrafast Ti : Sapphire Amplifire Mechanical Engg. Dept.

Field-emission Scanning Electron Microscope Dept. of Physics

Tender Type : Open Tender

Reference for Purchase Requisition No. 1000016690 (Tender/RFx No. 6100000678), Bid submission end date is 30/06/2021.

Optical spectrum analyzer Physics

Combined wireless fNIRS and wireless EEG system HSS Dept., IIT Bombay - 400076
Vector Signal Generator Dept. of Physics

Tender Type : Open Tender

Reference for Purchase Requisition No. 1000016409 (Tender/RFx No. 6100000687).

Closed Cycle Cryostat Mechanical Engg.

TEM based Local Orientation and Strain Mapping plus Reconstruction of the Reciprocal Space Based on 3D Electron Diffraction MEMS dept., IIT Bombay

Ultramicrotome Dept. of Biosciences and Bioengineering

Benchtop Stylus Profilometer Physics

Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) Furnace Mettallurgical Engineering & Materials Science Dept of IIT Bombay

Polymer Processing Facility consisting of Twin-Screw Extruder, Micro-Injection Molding and Accessories Chemical Engg.

Spot Quotation for Disposal of Scrap IIT Bombay

Multi Mode Reader with Accessories Chemical engg. dept., IIT Bombay

Precision Diamond Scriber for Different Wafers Physics

LATTICE LIGHT SHEET MICROSCOPE Biosciences and Bioengineering dept.

HP Aruba Wireless Controllers for IIT Bombay Computer Centre

Spot Quotation for Disposal of Scrap( E-WASTE) IIT Bombay

Cameras and Accessories for Motion Capture System Mechanical Engg.

Cryofree 9 Tesla Superconducting Magnet Dept. of Physics, IIT Bombay

HT Bilayer Interferometry Label-free System Bioscience and Bioengineering Dept., IIT Bombay

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Chemistry Dept.

HT Bilayer Interferometry Label-free System Biosciences and Bioengineering

Double Beam UV Visible Spectrophotometer Dept. of Metallurgical Engg. & Materials Science Engg.

Differential Scanning Calorimeter CRNTS/SAIF

Spot Quotation for Disposal of Scrap( E-WASTE) IIT Bombay

Spot Quotation for Disposal of Scrap( E-WASTE) IIT Bombay