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  Head of Department

Prof. Ajay S. Panwar 

Email: head.met[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7600

Research Interests 
Multiscale molecular modelling of self-assembly in macromolecular systems, 
Macromolecular transport in micro and nano scale channels,
High performance computing for macromolecular and composite systems


  Faculty Members
 Prof. Somnath Basu

Email: somnathbasu[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7613

Research Interests
Metal refining Thermodynamics Slag- Metal Interaction Continous casting 
 Prof. Parag Bhargava 

Email: pbhargava[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7628

Research Interests 

Powder Processing, Shape Forming of Ceramics
Rheology of inks, Pastes
Synthesis of weakly agglomerated nanoparticles
Dental Materials
Glasses and glass ceramics
Silver pastes for various applications:Screen printed sensors / devices
Scaling-up and Product development

PDF positions available for researchers with experience in (a) Glasses,

Glass synthesis, and Characterization and (b) Metal-Ceramic Composites

Prof. Amrita Bhattacharya

Email : b_amrita[at]
Tel (Off.): +91-22-25767620

Research Interests 
Computational materials science
Charge and heat transport
Defects in semiconductors
Strongly correlated materials
Machine learning Arup Ranjan Bhattacharya

Email: arupranjan[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7634

Research Interests 
Polymer blends Polymer Nanocomposites

Prof. Jayasree Biswas

Email ::biswasj[at]
Tel (Off.): +9122 2576 7623

Research Interests

Metal recycling from secondary sources (E-waste, batteries, waste solar cells)
Green metal processing (Green steelmaking)
High temperature kinetic studies in ferrous and nonferrous systems
Metal Refining
Process thermodynamics and kinetics.
Process Modelling


 Prof. Mithun Chowdhury 

Email: mithunc[at]
Tel: +91-22-2576-7632

Research Interests

Experimental soft matter with emphasis on polymers:
Non-equilibrium phenomena in complex spaces
Droplets and Colloids
Particle tracking probe dynamics
Semicrystalline electroactive & electronic polymers
Prof. Tanushree H. Choudhury
Email: tanuhc[at]
Tel: 022-2576-7610
Research Interests
Large area of layered materials, like 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) mono-component films, alloys and heterostructures by CVD.
Controlling defects sites to impact nucleation, growth and properties of layered material monolayers and heterostructures.
In-situ and controlled environment study of layered materials to investigate real time evolution of growth and properties.
Synthesizing oxide nanostructure by solution-based techniques with tailored morphology and thermal stability.

Prof. Vijayshankar Dandapani

Email :  v.dandapani[at]
Tel (Off.): +91-022 2576 7617

Research Interests 
Metal-Ceramic interfacial stress corrosion cracking.
Corrosion and organic coating delamination.
Hydrogen permeation to quantify oxygen reduction kinetics.
Non-linear frequency response analysis (NFRA) of Lithium-ion batteries.
Nanorough Silica Coatings.

 Prof. Titas DasGupta 

Email: titas.dasgupta[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7627


Research Interests  
Thermoelectric material and devices,
Thermoelectric metrology and instrumentation,
Physics of heavily doped semiconductors
 Prof. A. Durga

Email: a.durga[at]


Research Interests  
Computational Thermodynamics
Additive Manufacturing
Microstructure Evolution
Phase Transformations
 Prof. Rajiv O. Dusane 

Email: rodusane[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7633

Webpage :

Research Interests  

Synthesis and characterization of amorphous and nanocrystalline thin films of semiconductors and

alloys Silicon nanodevices for thin film solar cells and transistors for flat panel displays MEMS devices,

Nuclear detection Plasma processing and surface nano-engineering

 Prof. Ashutosh S. Gandhi 

Email: agandhi[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7614

Research Interests 

Science of Ceramics,
High-Temperature Protective Coatings (TBCs and EBCs),
Multicomponent Equimolar (High Entropy) Ceramics,
Phase Transformations,
Metastable and Amorphous Materials


Prof. Abhinandan Gangopadhyay

Email ::abhinandan.g[at]
Tel (Off.): +9122 2576 7603

Research Interests

Defects and interfaces in advanced functional materials
Transmission electron microscopy

 Prof. Dipti Gupta 

Email: diptig[at]
Tel: +91-22-2576-7608

Research Interests  
Flexible/Plastic Electronics based on Organic semiconductors, 
metal oxides and Graphene,
Devices for Energy and Biomedical applications,
Devices under focus: Solar Cells,
Thin film transistor and sensors,
Printed Electronics
 Prof. M P Gururajan 

Email:[at] /[at]
Tel: +91-22-2576-7631

Research Interests  
Modelling of microstructural evolution Atomistic
(Monte Carlo and Molecular dynamics) and continuum (phase field modelling)
models Phase transformations Deformation and
phase transformation induced microstructural changes
 Prof. Nirdosh K. Khosla 

Email: n.khosla[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7618

Research Interests   
Mineral processing, Instrumentation 
 Prof. Ajit R. Kulkarni 

Email: ajit.kulkarni[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7636

Research Interests  
Lead free ceramics and piezoelectrics: Bulk, nanostructured and thin films,
Impedance spectroscopy for material characterization,
Solid electrolyte for sensor and battery (glass, glass-ceramics, polymers and gels),
Synthesis-Structure-Property correlation in materials

Prof. Deepoo Kumar

Email : deepook[at]
Tel: +91-022-25767647

Research Interests 
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Metallurgical Processes
Mass transport in Pyrometallurgical process
Inclusion characterization


Prof. Sudhanshu Mallick 

Email: mallick[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7641

Research Interests   

Dye sensitized solar cells
Powder Metallurgy

 Prof. Amartya Mukhopadhyay 

Email: amartya_mukhopadhyay[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7612

Research Interests 

Materials for electrochemical energy storage
Electrode materials and electrode/electrolyte interfaces for Li/Na/K-ion batteries
Electro-chemo-mechanical responses of electrode materials
Solid electrolytes and all-solid-state Li-ion and Na-ion batteries
Electrochemical energy storage devices
Advanced structural ceramics/composites
Development of bulk polycrystalline ‘ceramic alloys’
Carbon nanotube reinforced ceramic composites
Ultra-high temperature ceramics/composites


 Prof. Triratna Muneshwar

Email: tmuneshwar[at]
Tel:  +91-22-2576 7640


Research Interests  
Materials for semiconductor logic/memory device applications
Modeling of vacuum thin film deposition processes
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes for oxides, nitrides and metal depositions
Atomic layer etching (ALE) of metals
Lab-to-Fab ALD/ALE process solutions

Prof. Prasanna Kumar S Mural

Email : prasannamural[at]
Tel: (+91-22) 2572 6975

Research Interests

Polymer nanocomposites,
Antibacterial membranes,
Piezotribo-electric materials,


Prof. Nagamani Jaya Balila

Email : jayabalila[at]
Tel: +91-022-28767626

Research Interests 
Mechanical behavior of materials
Nanoindentation and micro-mechanics of advanced high strength steels
Interface engineering and design of damage tolerant composites through additive manufacturing
Fracture mechanics of thin films, hard coatings and multilayered structures.


Prof. K. Narasimhan 

Email: nara[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7630

Research Interests
Sheet metal forming,
Modelling and Simulation



Dr. Viswanathan N Nurni

Sajjan Jindal Steel Chair Professor

Office email: head.met[at]

Office Tel: +91-22-2576-7600

Email: vichu[at]

Tel: +91-22-2576-7611

Research Interests

Blast furnace modeling,

Transport phenomenon,

 Process Metallurgy


Prof. Avradeep Pal

Email :  avradeep[at]

Tel (Off.): +91-022 2576 7629

Research Interests 
Josephson junctions
Superconductor-ferromagnet interactions (Superconducting Spintronics)
Tunneling spectroscopy
Growth of thin films, UHV systems and nano-fabrication
Graphene mesoscopics

Prof. Manish M. Pande

Email :  manish.pande[at]
Tel (Off.): 022 25767609

Research Interests 
Steel Cleanness
High-Temperature Experimentation and Metallic Foams

 Prof. Prita Pant

Email: pritapant[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7616

Research Interests  
Mechanical behaviour of thin films,
Dislocation dynamics simulation of deformation,
Nanoindentation studies of heterogenous deformation in metals,
Ni- Ti based shape memory materials
 Prof. Ajay S. Panwar 

Email: panwar[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7644

Research Interests 
Multiscale molecular modelling of self-assembly in macromolecular systems, 
Macromolecular transport in micro and nano scale channels,
High performance computing for macromolecular and composite systems
 Prof. Smrutiranjan Parida

Email: paridasm[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7643

Research Interests 
Corrosion and mitigation, 
Electrochemical nanostructuring,
Functional application of nanostructured metals and alloys

Prof. Anirban Patra

Email : anirbanpatra[at]
Tel (Off.): +91-22-25767622

Research Interests 
Computational materials
Crystal plasticity

 Prof. N Prabhu

Email: nprabhu[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7624

Research Interests 
Phase transformations, 
Structure Property relationships,
Electron Microscopy
 Prof. M.J.N.V. Prasad

Jindal Stainless Chair Professor

Email: mjnvprasad[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7642

Research Interests 

Mechanical behaviour of materials including Indentation, Fatigue, Creep and Superplasticity
Thermo-mechanical processing of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
Electrodeposition and Alloy development
Material joining (Diffusion bonding)
Severe plastic deformation (HPT, FSP)
Protective coatings and Oxidation behaviour


 Prof. T. R. S. Prasanna

Email: prasanna[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7639

Research Interests  
Materials for solid oxide fuel cells, 
composite electrolytes,electrode materials,
Theoretical materials science,
Role of thermal vibrations in phase transitions
 Prof. V. S. Raja

Email: vsraja[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7892

Research Interests   
Structure-processing-corrosion property relation,
Light metals, Graded coatings, Failure analysis Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,
Stress corrosion cracking, High temperature and pressure aqueous corrosion, Weld related corrosion
 Prof.Abhijeet L. Sangle 

Email : alsangle[at]
Tel:  (+91) 222159 6742
Web :

Research Interests   
Thin films of functional materials
Pulsed Laser Deposition and RF/DC/Pulsed DC Sputter Deposition
Self-assembled vertically aligned nanocomposite (VAN) thin films
Ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, photoelectrochemical green hydrogen generation,
thermoelectrics, Resistive random access memory (ReRAM)

 Prof. Indradev Samajdar

Email: indra[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7621

Research Interests   
Crystallographic texture,
Microstructural engineering,
Thermomechanical processing

Prof. Sumit Saxena

Email: sumit.saxena[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7615

Research Interests   
Ab-initio calculations of electronic and structure properties of materials, 
Nanostructured materials and their applications, Carbon based materials such graphene,
nanotube and graphite intercalated materials,
Time dependent ab-initio calculations for photovoltaic applications
 Prof. Shobha Shukla

Email: sshukla[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7607

Research Interests   
Nanophotonic devices Nanomaterials, 
Plasmonic devices
 Prof. Aparna Singh

Email: aparna_s[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7605

Research Interests  
Fracture, fatigue and tribology Synthesis methods of nanostructured
materials in bulk Nanostructured coatings Microstructure characterization
Damage tolerance of materials used in renewable energy technologies Biomedical implants,
prosthetics and polymer encapsulation Back-end processing in microprocessor fabrication.
 Prof. Aswani Yella

Email: aswani.yella[at] 
Tel: +91-22-2576-7619

Research Interests 
Nanostructured materials for photovoltaic applications,
Hybrid materials for light harvesting,
Molecular electronics,
Dye/semiconductor sensitized solar cells
Photoelectrochemical cells for H2 generation
Perovskite Photoferroics
