Department Brochure


The Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science is devoted to the design, creation and fundamental understanding of materials by understanding relationships between processing, structure, properties and performance in engineering applications.  The department is well known for its braod based academic program, its highly regarded faculty, and the high caliber of its students. Its continuing record of pioneering advances in engineering sciences and technologies stems from its ability to relate new developments and advances to engineering practices, and its close relationship with industry. These advances are then incorporated in current teaching and research programs.

The Department offers various academic programs and has a large research activity spanning many areas. The department offers four Year B.Tech. Program, five year Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) Program, M.Tech. Program and Ph.D. Program. The curriculum for these programs has been developed keeping in view the present technological status and future needs. It provides a strong background in conventional materials like ferrous and non-ferrous alloys as well as advanced materials like electronic materials, ceramics, composites and polymers.

The Dual Degree Program with specializations in Metallurgical Process Engineering and Ceramics and Composites is the first of its kind in the country. The curriculum for this program has been formulated to train the students for leadership in both industry and academia. The highlights of this program are: Courses in Environmental Science, Technology Management, Materials Processing and Designing, Plant Engineering and Simulation and Optimization. Apart from the theoretical courses it also has a large Project Work component, Course Projects, Modelling and Simulation assignments, Seminars, BTPs, and the Masters Thesis - for a duration of 18 months.

The M.Tech. Program has been designed keeping in view the needs of the industry. This program offers specializations in the areas of Process Metallurgy, Materials Science and Engineering, Steel Technology and Corrosion Science. 


Strong inter-disciplinary research encompassing a broad range of materials with focus on 'Make in India' concept is at the core of the department. All kinds of materials include metals, nanomaterials, polymers, ceramics, opto-electronic materials, energy materials, biomaterials and composites, etc. The department also has strong base in material synthesis, processing, theory and computational material science.