General Information
Associate Professor : May 2021- Present
Assistant Professor :October 2016- May 2021
Tel: +91-022-25767626
Awards & Recognition
- Appointed Head of the Partner Group of the Max Planck Institut fuer Eisenforschung GmbH at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2016
- Acta Materialia 2015 Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, 2015.
- MPI scholarship grant for post-doctoral research (3 years) at Max Planck Institut fuer Eisenforschung GmbH, 2013-2016.
- CSIR Travel Grant and IIM-SJEF grant for presenting at TMS-2013.
- Best poster award in the ECI conference on Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development, Canary Islands, Spain, 2011
- Best presentation award in the National Metallurgical Day-2010 (Mechanical Behavior category), Bangalore, 2010
- Best poster award at ISRS, IIT Madras, Chennai, 2010
- Best metallography picture in the metallography contest in the Students Symposium, Materials Engineering Dept, IISc Bangalore, 2009
- Institute of Engineers Award and Metallurgical Engineering Association Award for securing 2nd rank in B Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NITK, India, 2007
- All India Rank 2 in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) for Metallurgical Engineering; Recipient of MHRD fellowship for GATE scholars, 2007
- Indian Institute of Foundry Cash Prize for securing highest marks in Foundry Technology in B.Tech. NITK, 2007
Research Interests
- Mechanical behavior of materials
- Nanoindentation and micro-mechanics of advanced high strength steels
- Interface engineering and design of damage tolerant composites through additive manufacturing
- Fracture mechanics of thin films, hard coatings and multilayered structures
Research Projects
- Designing damage tolerant functional oxide nanostructures: Max-Planck India Partner Group Project, 2016-2019 (approved)
- Tailoring damage tolerance in brittle systems at multi-hierarchical length scales: IIT-B Seed grant and DST-Ramanujan Fellowship project (pending approval), 2017 onwards
- Role of the interface on deformation and fracture behavior of dual-phase steels with TATA Steels (proposed), 2017
- Fracture behavior of heavily cold drawn pearlitic steel wires with TATA Global Steel Wires (proposed), 2017
- Micro-mechanical characterisation of poly-Si grain boundaries for solar cell applications (proposed), 2017
Selected Publications:
- R. Raghavan, C. Kirchlechner, B. Nagamani Jaya, M. Feuerbacher, and G. Dehm “Mechanical size effects in a single crystalline equiatomic FeCrCoMnNi high entropy alloy”, Scripta Materialia, Vol 129, 2017, 52-55 (DOI:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2016.10.026)
- B. Nagamani Jaya, J. M. Wheeler, J. Wehrs, J. P. Best, R. Soler, J. Michler, C. Kirchlechner and G. Dehm “Micro-scale fracture behavior of single crystal silicon beams at elevated temperatures”, Nanoletters, Vol 16 (12), 2016, 7597-7603 (DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b03461)
- Volker Schnabel, B. Nagamani Jaya, Mathias Köhler, Denis Music, Christoph Kirchlechner, Gerhard Dehm, Dierk Raabe, Jochen M. Schneider, “Electronic hybridisation implications for the damage-tolerance of thin film metallic glasses”, Scientific Reports, Vol 6, 2016 (online) (DOI:10.1038/srep36556)
- B. Nagamani Jaya, R. Hoffmann, C. Kirchlechner, G. Dehm C. Scheu and G. Langer, “Coccospheres confer mechanical protection: New evidence for an old hypothesis”, Acta Biomaterialia, Vol 42, 2016, 258-264 (DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.07.036)
- A. Davydok, B. Nagamani Jaya, O. Robach, O. Ulrich, J.S. Micha, C. Kirchlechner, “Analysis of the full stress tensor in a micropillar: Ability of and difficulties arising during synchrotron based μLaue diffraction” Materials and Design, Vol 108, 2016, 68-75. (DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.06.098)
- B. Nagamani Jaya, Sanjit Bhowmick, S. A. Syed Asif and Vikram Jayaram, “In-situ study of microscale fracture of diffusion aluminide bond coats: Effect of platinum” Journal of Materials Research, Vol 30 Issue 21, 2015, 3343-3353 (DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2015.285)
- B. Nagamani Jaya and Vikram Jayaram, “Fracture testing at small length scales: From plasticity in Si to brittleness in Pt”, Review article, Journal of Metals, Vol 68 Issue 1, 2015, 94-108 (DOI: 10.1007/s11837-015-1489-2)
- B. Nagamani Jaya, Christoph Kirchlechner and Gerhard Dehm, “Can micro-scale fracture tests provide reliable fracture toughness values? A case study in silicon”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol 30 Issue 5, 2015, 686-698 (DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2015.2)
- B. Nagamani Jaya and Vikram Jayaram, “Crack stability in edge notched clamped beam specimen under bending: modeling and experiments”, International Journal of Fracture, Vol 188, Issue 2, 2014, 213-228 (DOI: 10.1007/s10704-014-9956-2)
- B. Nagamani Jaya, Vikram Jayaram and Sanjay K. Biswas, “A new method for fracture toughness determination of graded (Pt,Ni)Al bond coats by microbeam bend tests”, Philosophical Magazine Special Issue on Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development III, Vol 92, Issue 25-27, 2012, 3326-3345. (DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2012.669068)