General Information:

Assistant Professor: Mar. 2022 – present

Email: alsangle[at]

Tel (Office):022 2159 6742

Office: Faculty room, 3rd Floor , MEMS

Website :

Google Scholar Profile:

Academic Background:

  • Ph.D. in Materials Science, University of Cambridge, UK (2011 – 2016)
  • B.Tech. + M.Tech. (5-year Dual Degree), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India (2006 – 2011)

Positions held:

  • Assistant Professor, School of Chemical and Materials Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India (Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2022)
  • Sr. Technologist, Applied Materials Exploration Centre and Pathfinder Office, Applied Materials India (Jan. 2021 – Mar. 2021)
  • Technologist, Applied Materials Exploration Centre and Pathfinder Office, Applied Materials India (Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2020)
  • Research Associate, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge (Oct. 2016 – Aug. 2017)

Research Interests:

  • Thin films of functional materials
  • Pulsed Laser Deposition and RF/DC/Pulsed DC Sputter Deposition
  • Self-assembled vertically aligned nanocomposite (VAN) thin films
  • Ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, photoelectrochemical green hydrogen generation, thermoelectrics, Resistive random access memory (ReRAM)

Selected Publications:

  • Ou, C., Sangle, A. L., Chalklen, T., Jing, Q., Narayan, V., Kar-Narayan, S., “Enhanced thermoelectric properties of flexible aerosol-jet printed carbon nanotube-based nanocomposites,” APL Materials, 6(9), 096101 (2018) (doi: 10.1063/1.5043547)
  • Sangle, A. L., Lee, O. J., Kursumovic, A., Zhang, W., Chen, A., Wang, H. and MacManus-Driscoll, J. L., “Very High K-Factor and Dielectric Tunability in Nanocomposite SrTiO3 Thin films with Tc Enhanced to >300 °C,” Nanoscale, 10(7), 3460 (2018) (doi: 10.1039/C7NR06991J)
  • Sangle, A. L., Singh, S., Bajpe, S., Jian, J., Wang, H., Khare, N. and MacManus-Driscoll, J. L., “Very high surface area mesoporous thin films of SrTiO3 grown by pulsed laser deposition and application to efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting,” Nano Letters, 16(12):7388 - 7345. (doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02487)
  • Lee, S., Sangle, A., Lu, P., Chen, A., Zhang, W., Lee, J. S., Wang, H., Jia, Q. and MacManus-Driscoll, J. L., “Novel electroforming-free nanoscaffold memristor with very high uniformity, tunability, and density”, Advanced Materials, 26: 6284 - 6289, 2014. (doi:10.1002/adma.201401917)

Selected Patents:

  1. Sangle, Abhijeet Laxman. "Tuning of emission properties of quantum emission devices using strain-tuned piezoelectric template layers." U.S. Patent 11,575,065, issued February 7, 2023. Link
  2. Sangle, Abhijeet Laxman, Vijay Bhan Sharma, Ankur Kadam, Bharatwaj Ramakrishnan, Visweswaren Sivaramakrishnan, and Yuan Xue. "Physical vapor deposition of piezoelectric films." U.S. Patent 11,489,105, issued November 1, 2022. Link
  3. Sangle, Abhijeet Laxman, Suresh Chand Seth, Vijay Bhan Sharma, Bharatwaj Ramakrishnan, and Ankur Anant Kadam. "Method of manufacturing aluminum nitride films." U.S. Patent Application 17/220,136, filed October 6, 2022. Link
  4. Sangle, Abhijeet Laxman, Nilesh Patil, Vijay Bhan Sharma, and Visweswaren Sivaramakrishnan. "Pulsed DC Power For Deposition Of Film." U.S. Patent Application 17/684,911, filed September 8, 2022. Link

Awards and Recognitions:

  • Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Nano- and Microelectronics (specialty section of Frontiers in Electronics) (2021)
  • Cambridge Philosophical Society Research Studentship (2015)
  • Cambridge-India Partnership Scholarship, Cambridge Trusts         (2011-15)
  • Organisational Citation (2011) and Colour (2010), Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, IIT Bombay
  • Institute Academic Award, IIT Bombay (2009)
  • National Talent Search Examination Scholarship, 1 out of ≈1000 awardees, Government of India (2004)