The Academic Office exists to help facilitate, initiate and co-ordinate the academic work of the Institute, particularly the teaching and assessment of students. It acts as the repository of grades and academic records of all students, both past and present. It provides administrative support to the Senate, which is the highest academic body of the Institute.
The Head of the Academic Office is the Dean of Academic Programmes , who is a senior professor of the Institute. The Dean is helped by a permanent administrative set up headed by a Joint Registrar (Academic). Academic Office closely interacts with the Dean of Student Affairs ( DOSA), who looks after all non-academic problems of students. The DOSA, as the ex-officio President of the Student Gymkhana, coordinates various co-curricular activities of the students.
Matters concern with evaluation and progress of a student leading to award of degrees are handled by Postgraduate Academic Performance Evaluation Committee (PGAPEC) and Undergraduate Academic Performance Evaluation Committee (UGAPEC) appointed by the Senate on recommendation of the Senate Search Committee (SNC). Each of these committees has a convener, who is a professor of the Institute.