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  1. What is the aim of URA?

    To provide UG students an opportunity to get research exposure/experience by working in research project under a professor.

  2. Who should consider taking it?

    The only prerequisites for pursuing research as an undergraduate are a strong desire to learn more in the research area and the ability to manage the workload during that period of time.

  3. Why should a student do it?

    It gives the student a challenging opportunity to participate in research, and establish his/her research aptitude. It will also appear on his/her grade card as research experience.

  4. Is URA a course or project?

    URA is essentially a recognition of significant amount of research work done by undergraduate students as part of a project - which might be done under a BTP/DDP or as work under professor outside the curriculum.

  5. Who can get a URA?

    All the students who have entered through JEE and have done significant research work under a professor can get a URA.

  6. What are the URA Levels?

    There are 3 levels of URA:

    • URA01 : for preliminary research/ developmental experience
    • URA02 : for B. Tech. Level Research Project.
    • URA03 : for Dual Degree Level Research Project

  • This is a recognition of a small research/ developmental effort, successfully completed by a student in the first, second or third year of an undergraduate programme - that is, a B.Tech., 4 year B.S. or a Dual Degree Programme.
  • Operates from Jan-June or June-November in a year.
  • A faculty member must agree to supervise the student for the URA01 project. The student works with this faculty member for 4 to 6 month duration - including the summer or winter vacations.
  • No formal registration is required with the academic office at this stage. If the faculty member is satisfied with the quantum and quality of work done, at any stage, s/he may recommend the award of URA01 to the student, which will then be listed in the grade card of the student in the semester immediately following the semester in which this award was recommended.
  • No credits are assigned to URA01.
  • URA01 can be awarded only once to a student. The grade for URA01 will be "PP".

URA02 (for B.Tech.)
  • This is to be treated as recognition of truly exceptional work, both in quality and in extent, done in the B.Tech. Project.
  • If the committee evaluating the B. Tech. Project of a B.Tech. student believes that the student has carried out truly exceptional work in the B. Tech. Project and the quantum of work is substantially higher than what is expected, it may recommend that two more faculty members, other than those who already participated in the committee for evaluation, duly chosen by the DUGC, examine the work done and evaluate whether a URA02 can be awarded to the student in addition to the AA grade already given. A joint recommendation must then be made by all: the original committee of evaluation and these two other faculty members that this student be awarded URA02, duly routed through the Convener, DUGC to the Convener, UGAPEC.
  • This award, on approval by the UGAPEC, will be mentioned on the grade report of the student as URA02 carrying six credits and the grade AA.
  • No formal registration is required with the academic office.
  • The advantage to the student would be that his / her CPI would improve, given that these credits are with an AA grade.

URA03 (for DD.)
  • These are to be treated as recognition of truly exceptional work, both in quality and in extent, in the Dual Degree Project.
  • If the committee evaluating the Final Stage of the Dual Degree Project of a given Dual Degree student believes that the student has carried out truly exceptional work and the quantum of work is substantially higher than what is expected, it may recommend that two more faculty members, other than those who already participated in the committee for evaluation, duly chosen by the DUGC, examine the work done and evaluate whether a URA03 can be awarded to the student in addition to the AA grade already given. A joint recommendation must then be made by all: the original committee of evaluation and these two other faculty members that this student be awarded URA03, duly routed through the Convener, DUGC to the Convener, UGAPEC.
  • This award, on approval by the UGAPEC, will be mentioned on the grade report of the student as URA03 carrying six credits and the grade AA.
  • No formal registration is required with the academic office. The advantage to the student would be that his / her CPI would improve, given that these credits are with an AA grade.
