General Information
Tel: +91-22-2576-7632
Academic Background
- Ph.D., IIT Kanpur, 1977
Research Interests
- Nano structured materials, Magnetic materials, Nano-biotechnology
- Magnetic materials at nano scale for bio medical and other applications, Photomagnetism
- Magnetoresistive materials, Dilute magnetic semiconductors
- Electronic ceramics
- Novel synthetic methods including self assembly and LBL techniques
Research Projects
- Indo-US DST (MWN) NSF, "Anisotropic multifunctional Magnetic Nanostructures", 2007
- DST (Nano initiative) India, "Magnetic nanoparticulates for controlled and targeted drug delivery", 2007
- CEFIPRA Indo-French, "Photomagnetic investigations on magnetic oxides", 2007
- DRDO, India, "Feasibility study on the synthesis of nano copper chromite and nano iron oxide", 2007
- H. S. Panda, R. Srivastava and D. Bahadur, "A Stable Delivery System for Statin family Drugs" (Filed)
- J. Giri and D. Bahadur, "Novel ferrofluids preparation" (Approved)
Selected Publications:
- "Optimization of parameters for the synthesis of nano sized Co1-xZnxFe2O4 (0< x < 0.8) by microwave refluxing" J. Giri, T. Sriharsha and D. Bahadur, J. Mater. Chem. 14, 875, 2004.
- "Photomagnetism Studies in Nd0.7Sr0.3CoO3" D. Bahadur, S. Asthana, C. Carbonera, C. Desplanches and J-F Létard, Solid State Communications 142, 132-136, 2007.
- "Mechanism of cell death induced by magnetic hyperthermia with nano particles of ?-MnxFe2-xO3 synthesized by a single step process" N. K. Prasad, K. Rathinasamy, D. Panda and D. Bahadur, J. Mater. chem. 17, 5042-5051, 2007.Highlights published by Nature Publishing Group and Royal Society of Chemistry
- "Synthesis and characterizations of water-based ferro fluids of substituted ferrites [Fe1-x BxFe2O4, B = Mn, Co (x = 0–1)] for biomedical applications" J. Giri, P. Pradhan, V. Somani, H. Chelawat, S. Chhatre, R. Banerjee and D. Bahadur, J. Mag. &Magn. Mat. 320, 122, 2008. Highlights published by Nature Publishing Group
- "Self-aggregation and assembly of size-tunable transition metal doped ZnOnanocrystals" K. C. Barick, M. Aslam, V. P. Dravid and D. Bahadur, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 15163-15170, 2008.