Tel: +91-22-2576-7657
Academic Background:
- B.Tech (Chem.Eng) REC, Tiruchirapalli (1975)
- M.E (Chem.Eng.) IISc Bangalore (1977)
- Ph.D (Matls. Sci.) IIT Bombay (1986)
- Ferrimagnetics - Bulk and thin film
- Electronic materials
- Magneto electric composites
- Structure property correlations in nanocrystalline systems
- Method of Processing Co-Zn ferrite bilayers to achieve high magnetization, Prof. Shiva Prasad, Prof. N. Venkataramani, Mr.Baidyanath Sahu, Dr. Subasa Ch. Sahoo, Dr.Krishnan Ramanathan(filed 2015)
Awards & Recognitions
- Senior Member IEEE 2016
- MHRD fellowship during M.E (75-77)
- Merit cum means scholarship during B.Tech (72-75)
Selected Publications:
- Bohra M., Prasad S., Kumar N., Misra D. S., Sahoo S. C., Venkataramani N., Krishnan R., "Large room temperature magnetization in nanocrystalline zinc ferrite thin films", Applied Physics Letters 88(26), Art. No. 262506 (2006).
- Tripathi S., Venkataramani N., Dusane R. O., Schroeder B., "One-dimensional simulation study of micro crystalline silicon thin films for solar cell and thin film transistor applications using AMPS-1D", Thin Solid Films 501(1-2), 295-298 (2006).
- Visnovsky S., Veis M., Liskova E., Kolinsky V., Kulkarni P. D., Venkataramani N., Prasad S., Krishnan R., "MOKE spectroscopy of sputter-deposited Cu-ferrite films", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290, 195-197 Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI (2005).
- Samadhan P. B., Anand V. V., Alka K. A., Laxmi S. K., V. Ramgopal R., Venkatramani N., Dusane R. O., Schroeder B., "Highly conducting doped poly-Si deposited by hot wire CVD and its applicability as gate material for CMOS devices", Thin Solid Films 430, 63 (2003).
- Kumar M. K., Samajdar I., Venkatramani N., Dey G. K., Tewari R., Srivastava D., S. Banerjee, "Explaining Absence of Texture Developments in Two-Phase Zr-2.5 wt% Nb alloy", ActaMaterialia 51(3), 625-640 (2003).