Faculty-In-Charge: Prof. M. P. Gururajan (
) |
Corrosion | InfluenceOf Thin Oxide Films | Ramakrishnan,Tendolkar | 1 |
Corrosion | HydrogenIn Metals | Smith | 1 |
Ferrous | TechnicalData On Fuel | Spiers | 1 |
Ferrous | PressingAnd Grinding Machinery | Suymour | 1 |
Ferrous | QuantativeAnalysis Using Micro Methods | Gilreath | 1 |
Ferrous | StructuralMetallography | Ramarao | 1 |
Ferrous | ExperimentalMetallurgy | Seybolt,Burke | 1 |
Ferrous | EfficientUse Of Fuel | MinistryOf Power | 1 |
Ferrous | CoalAnd Coke Of Tata Steel | TataSteel | 1 |
Ferrous | CupolaAnd Its Operation | AmericanFoundrymens Society | 1 |
Ferrous | BlastFurnace Iron Making | Gupta,Chaterjee | 1 |
Ferrous | SinteringAt Tata Steel | Chaterjee,De,Gupta | 1 |
Ferrous | ProductionOf Ferroelloys | Riss.Khodorovsky | 1 |
Ferrous | ManufactureOf Iron And Steel,Volume 1 Iron Production | Bashforth | 1 |
Ferrous | PropertiesOf Metallic Materials At Low Temperature | Teed | 1 |
Ferrous | ProgressIn Metallurgical Resource,Fundamental And Applied Aspects | Mehrotra,Ramachandran | 1 |
Ferrous | SteelMaking For Steel Makers | Jackson | 1 |
Ferrous | IronAnd Steel Production | Bugayev,Bychkov,Komovalov,Kovalenko,Tretyakov | 1 |
Ferrous | OpenHearth Steel Making Practice | Sosnenko | 1 |
Ferrous | ProductionOf Ferroalooys | Riss.Khodorovsky | 1 |
Ferrous | FerroalloysTechnology In India | Gupta,Suri | 1 |
Ferrous | ProductionOf Iron And Steel | Long | 1 |
Ferrous | BasicOpen Hearth Steel Making | Mudd | 1 |
Ferrous | ElectrometallurgyOf Steel And Ferro-Alloys | Ednaril | 1 |
Ferrous | IronOres Of India | Krishnan | 1 |
Ferrous | SteelMaking | Kudrin | 1 |
Ferrous | PhysicalChemistry Of Iron And Steel Manufacture | Bodsworth | 1 |
Ferrous | ElectricSteel Making | Gethra,Barshney | 1 |
Ferrous | PractiacalIron Making | Elliot,Bond | 1 |
Ferrous | BlastFurnace Iron Making | Gupta,Chaterjee | 1 |
Ferrous | BasicOpen Hearth Steel Making | Derge | 1 |
Ferrous | ManufactureOf Iron And Steel,Volume 1 Iron Production | Bashforth | 1 |
Ferrous | FabricationOf Lukins Slag Steels | Williams(LukinsSteel Company) | 1 |
Ferrous | PrinciplesOf Blast Furnace And Iron Making | Biswas | 1 |
Ferrous | ManufactureOf Iron And Steel,Volume 4 Mechanical Production Of Steel | | 1 |
Ferrous | SymposiumOn Ferro Alloys | NationalMetallurgical Laboraotories | 1 |
Ferrous | OpenHearth Practice A Handbook | | 1 |
Ferrous | OpenHearth Practice A Handbook | | 1 |
Ferrous | OpenHearth Practice A Handbook | | 1 |
Ferrous | OpenHearth Practice A Handbook | | 1 |
Ferrous | 1970Annual Book Of Astm Standards Part 2;Ferrous Castings,FerroAlloys | | 1 |
FuelsAnd Refractories | ElementsOf Fuels,Furnaces And Refractories | Gupta | 1 |
MaterialsScience | MaterialsAgeing And Life Management : Vol 1 | BaldevRaj, K Rao, Jai Kumar, Dayal | 1 |
MaterialsScience | MaterialsAgeing And Life Management : Vol 2 | BaldevRaj, K Rao, Jai Kumar, Dayal | 1 |
MaterialsScience | MaterialsAgeing And Life Management : Vol 3 | BaldevRaj, K Rao, Jai Kumar, Dayal | 1 |
MaterialsScience | ScienceOf Engineering Materials | Srivastava,Srinivasan | 1 |
MaterialsScience | AdvancesIn Superconductivity And Magnetism | Pinto,Nagarajan, Grover | 1 |
MaterialsScience | Materials: Their Nature, Properties And Fabrication | Sehegal,Lindberg | 1 |
MaterialsScience | PhysicalExamination Of Metals | Quarrell,Chalmers | 1 |
MaterialsScience | ElectricalAnd Magnetic Properties Of Some Ferrites In Bulk AndNano-Crystalline Forms | Pal | 1 |
MaterialsScience | AdvancesIn Ferrites | Srivastava,Patni | 1 |
MaterialsScience | AdvancesIn Ferrites | Srivastava,Patni | 1 |
MaterialsScience | AdvancesIn Materials And Processes | Ramakrishnan | 1 |
MaterialsScience | Superconductivity | Jyoshi,Rao,Subramanyam | 1 |
MaterialsScience | TheNature And Properties Of Engineering Materials | Jastrzebski | 1 |
MaterialsScience | ScienceOf Engineering Materials | Srivastava,Srinivasan | 1 |
MaterialsScience | NanostructureMaterials | Kearsiegeltsakalakos | 1 |
MaterialsScience | RecentTrends In Materials And Processes | Vasudevan | 1 |
MaterialsScience | ElectronicFundamentals And Applications | Ryder | 1 |
MaterialsScience | MaterialsScience Forum | Krishnan,Banerjee, Mukhopadhyay | 1 |
MaterialsScience | LaminatedPlastics | Duffin | 1 |
MaterialsScience | MonographsOn The Physics And Chemistry Of Materials | Roberts,Mckee | 1 |
MaterialsScience | IndustrialFailure Of Engineering Metals And Alloys | Nijhawan,Mitra | 1 |
Metallurgy | MetalSciences The Emerging Frontiers | Anantharaman,Malhotra,Ranganathan,Ramarao | 1 |
Metallurgy | EngineeringMetallurgy | Cisco | 1 |
Metallurgy | AlloysOf Iron And Nickel;Volume 1 Special Purpose Alloys | Marsh | 1 |
Metallurgy | MaterialsAnd Processes | Young | 1 |
Miscellaneous | IntroductionTo Nuclear Engineering | Stephenson | 1 |
Miscellaneous | EngineeringMetrology | Hume-Rothery | 1 |
Miscellaneous | DifferentialAnd Integral Calculus | Piskunov | 1 |
Miscellaneous | AdvancedCalculus For Applications | Hildebrand | 1 |
Miscellaneous | SolidState Phsics | Epifanov | 1 |
Miscellaneous | PrinciplesOf Electrical Engineering | Blafock | 1 |
Miscellaneous | ChemicalEngineering For Product Supervisions | Peierce | 1 |
Miscellaneous | ChemicalThermodynamics | Leib | 1 |
Miscellaneous | CourseOf Study On Chemical Principles | Noyes,Sherrill | 1 |
Miscellaneous | PrinciplesOf Chemical Equilibrium | Denbigh | 1 |
Miscellaneous | SuccesfulCommercial Chemical Development | Corley | 1 |
Miscellaneous | IntroductionTo Chemical Engineering | Badger,Banchero | 1 |
Miscellaneous | AppliedMathematics In Chemical Engineering | Sherwood,Reed | 1 |
Miscellaneous | ChemicalEngineering Thermodynamics | Bodge | 1 |
Miscellaneous | ChemicalProcess Design | Csir | 1 |
Miscellaneous | Refractories | Norton | 1 |
Miscellaneous | Refractories | Norton | 1 |
Miscellaneous | EfficientUse Of Fuel | MinistryOf Power | 1 |
Miscellaneous | InorganicSynthesis,Volume 1 | Booth | 1 |
NonFerrous Metals | StructureOf Electro-Deposited Managanese | Banerjee,Dhananjayan | 1 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | StructuresOf Alloys Of Iron | Hume-Rothery | 1 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | ProgressOn Thermal Treatments Of Materials | Ramakrishnan | 1 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | SymposiumOn Cast Iron | AmericanFoundrymens Society,Astm | 1 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy And Material Strengthening | Dhar,Sen,Basu,Mukunda | 1 |
Process | BrassPressings | CopperDevelopment Association | 1 |
Process | RateProcesses In Metallurgy | Mohanty | 1 |
Process | TheTheory Of Metallurgical Processes | Filippov | 1 |
Process | MaterialsAnd Manufacturing Processes : Vol 9 | Sudarshan,Srivatsan | 1 |
Process | RollingMill Practice | Polukhin,Fedosov, Korolyov, Matveyev | 1 |
Process | TheWelding, Brazing And Soldering Of Copper And Its Alloys | CopperDevelopment Association | 1 |
Process | ElectricSlag Welding | Paton | 1 |
Process | SteelFoundry Practice | Troitsky | 1 |
Process | RollingPractice | Burtsev | 1 |
Process | MetalCasting | Rao | 1 |
Process | MethodsOf Improving Strength And Quality Of Castings | Mukherjee | 1 |
Process | FundamentalsOf Metal Casting Technology | Mukherjee | 1 |
Process | MaterialsAnd Manufacturing Processes : Vol 8 | Sudarshan,Srivatsan | 1 |
Process | ForgingAnd Forming Metals | Rusinoff | 1 |
Process | ChemicalAnalysis Of Cast Iron And Foundry Materials | Westwood,Mayer | 1 |
Process | FoundryPractice | Titov,Stepanov | 1 |
Process | ModernFoundry Operations And Equipment | Rawlinson | 1 |
Process | FoundryPractice | Titov,Stepanov | 1 |
Process | MaterialsAnd Manufacturing Processes : Vol 9 | Sudarshan,Srivatsan | 1 |
Process | IndianFoundry : Bentonite And Clays | Mohan,Chirayath, Bhandary, Gupte, Nijhawan | 1 |
Process | AdvancesIn Materials And Processes | Ramakrishnan | 1 |
Process | AdvancesIn Materials And Processes | Ramakrishnan | 1 |
Process | MetalCutting Principles | Shaw | 1 |
Process | MetallurgyFor Engineers | Wulff,Taylor, Shaler | 1 |
Process | DyeingWith Coal Tar Dyestuffs | Wilcock,Whittaker | 1 |
Process | PressWorking | Elenyev,Shukhov | 1 |
Process | RecentProgress In Metal Working | InstitutionOf Metallurgists | 1 |
Process | MalleableIron Castings | MalleableFounders Society | 1 |
Process | HighVelocity Forming Of Metals | Wilson | 1 |
Process | Electro-Plating | Weill | 1 |
Process | ComputerModelling And Applications In Metallurgical Research And Industry | Roy,Sah,Vijay,Raghavan | 1 |
Process | MetallurgyOf Steel Castings | Briggs | 1 |
Process | FoundaryPractice | Salmon,Simons | 1 |
Process | ModernEngineering Workshop Practice | Thomson,Herbert | 1 |
Process | TheoryOf Plastic Deformation Amd Metal Working | Masterov,Berkobsky | 1 |
Process | FundamentalsOf Working Of Metals | Sachs | 1 |
Process | ArtAnd Science Of Metal Casting | Mazumder | 1 |
Process | MaterialsAnd Manufacturing Processes : Vol 8 | Sudarshan,Srivatsan | 1 |
Process | ForgingPractice | Johnson | 1 |
Process | FoundryMoulding Sands Of India | Mohan,Nijhawan, Krishnan, Gupte, Somayajulu | 1 |
Process | MechanicalWorking Of Metals | Crane | 1 |
Process | ForgingPractice | Kamenshchikov,Koltunnaumov, Chernobrovkin | 1 |
Process | PrinciplesOf Metal Working | Kumar | 1 |
Process | ForgingAnd Forming Metals | Rusinoff | 1 |
Process | MetallurgyOf Deep Drawing And Pressing | Jevons | 1 |
Process | TheBrass Foundry | Anglo-AmericanCouncil On Prductivity | 1 |
Process | TheMaking, Shaping And Treating Of Steel | UnitedStates Steel | 1 |
Process | TheMaking, Shaping And Treating Of Steel | UnitedStates Steel | 1 |
Process | Non-FerrousFoundry Practice | Laingrolfe | 1 |
Process | TheMelting Of Cast Iron And Non-Ferrous Alloys | Lipnitsky | 1 |
Process | Wire-DrawingAnd Cold Working Of Steel | Adam | 1 |
Standards | 1969Book Of Astm Standards Part 5;Copper And Copper Alloys | | 1 |
Standards | 1969Book Of Astm Standards Part 2;Ferrous Castings | | 1 |
Standards | 1970Annual Book Of Astm Standards Part 5;Copper And Copper Alloys | | 1 |
Standards | 1970Annual Book Of Astm Standards Part 4;Structural Steel;ConcreteReinforcing Steel;Pressure Vessel Plate;Steel Rails,Wheels AndTires,Bearing Steel,Steel Forgings | | 1 |
Standards | TransactionsOf The American Society For Metals Volume 51 | | 1 |
Standards | TransactionsOf The American Society For Metals Volume 44 | | 1 |
Standards | TransactionsOf The American Society For Metals;Volume 48 | | 1 |
Standards | TransacctionsOf The American Society For Metals;Volume 49 | | 1 |
Standards | TransactionsOf The American Society For Metals;Volume 45 | | 1 |
Standards | TransactionsOf The American Society For Metals;Volume 46 | | 1 |
Standards | TransactionsOf The American Society For Metals;Volume 50 | | 1 |
Standards | AstmManual On Presentation Of Data | | 1 |
Standards | 1969Book Of Astm Standards Volume 4;Structural Steel;Concrete | | 1 |
Standards | 1969Book Of Astm Standards Part 7;Non Ferrous Metals And Alloys | | 1 |
Standards | 1969Book Of Astm Standards;Volume 1;Steel Piping,Tubing And Fittings | | 1 |
Standards | 1969Book Of Astm Standards Volume 3;Steel Sheet,Bar,Rod,Wire,ChainandSpring,Wrought Iron Bar And Sheet,Metallic CoatedProducts,Ferrous Surgical Implants | | 1 |
Composites | CeramicHeat Exchanger Concepts and Materials Technology | Bliem | 2 |
Composites | CompositeMaterials | Sharma | 2 |
Composites | MetalCeramic and Composite Powders | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
Composites | AdvancedCeramics | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
Composites | MetalCeramic and Composite Powders | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
Composites | Advancesin Composite Materials | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
Composites | Advancesin Composite Materials | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
Composites | AdvancedCeramics | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Corrosion | Electrometallurgyof Steel and Ferro-Alloys | Edneral | 2 |
Corrosion | Electrometallurgyof Steel and Ferro-Alloys | Edneral | 2 |
Corrosion | Corrosionin Action | Laque,May, Uhlig | 2 |
Corrosion | Corrosion | Shrerir | 2 |
Corrosion | Corrosion | Sherir | 2 |
Corrosion | AcidResisting Metals | Tungay | 2 |
Corrosion | Electrometallurgyof Steel and Ferro-Alloys | Edneral | 2 |
Corrosion | Introductionto Science of Corrosion and its Inhibition | Banerjee | 2 |
Corrosion | Corrosion | Fontana | 2 |
Corrosion | Influenceof Thin Oxide Films | Ramakrishnan,Tendolkar | 2 |
Corrosion | AnIntroduction to Corrosion Control | Rajgopalan | 2 |
Corrosion | Corrosionand Corrosion Control | AS Khanna, M K Totlani | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | CopperCompounds in Agriculture and Industrial Microbiology | Kemdals,Hall | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Introductionto Copper | CDAPublications | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | PracticalMetallurgy | GeorgeSachs | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Metals | Harold,Carpenter | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Metallographyof Aluminium Alloy | Luciof,Modolfo | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Copperfor Radiant Heating | CDAPublications | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | SurfaceTreatments of Copper and Copper Alloys | CDAPublications | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | TheStrength of Copper Tubes and Cylinders | CDAPublications | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | CopperAlloys Wire Products | CDAPublications | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Copperand Brass Pressings | | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Lead: Science and Technology | Sarkar | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | WroughtCopper Materials | Asasymposium | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | TheMelting of Cast Iron and Non-Ferrous Alloys | Lipnitsky | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Extractionof Non-Ferrous Metals | Ray,Sridhar, Abraham | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Non-FerrousMetal Industry in India | Nijhawan,Chatterjea | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | NationalDirectory of Aluminium Industry | AluminiumAssociation of India | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Beneficationof Low-Grade Manganese Ore of India | Narayanan,Subrahmanyan | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Symposiumof Non-ferrous Metals Technology : Vol 3 | NML | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | TheAlloys of Iron and Nickel | Mars | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | AluminiumStrenghtening for Magnetites and Beyond : Vol 1 | Dwarakadasa,Seshan, Abraham | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | SixtyCenturies of Copper | Smith | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Copperin Cast Iron | Pearce,Bromage | 2 |
NonFerrous Metals | Hydrometallurgyof Base Metals | Arsdle | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | MetallurgicalEquilibrium Diagrams | Humerothery,Christian, Pearson | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy | Chalmers | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Thermodynamics,Energy and Entropy | GP Chatterjee | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metallurgyand Materials Engineering Series : Metallurgical Problems | Mehl | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | MechanicalProperties Of Metals | Mclean | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | ElementaryDislocation Theory | Weertman,Weertman | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Steeland its Heat Treatment: Vol 3 | Bullens | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Fundamentalsof Heat Transfer | Mikheyev | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Fundamentalsof Heat Transfer | Mikheyev | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Structureand properties of Materials : Volume 3 | Hayden,Moffatt, Wulff | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Behaviourof Metals at elevated temperatures | Institutionof Metallurgists | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | TheFatigue of Metals | Institutionof Metallurgists | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Advancesin Ferrites | Srivastava,Patni | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metallurgyand Materials Engineering Series : Properties of Metals atelevated Temperatures | Smith | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | MechanicalTreatment of Metals | Parkins | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | TheoreticalStructural Metallurgy | Cottrell | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | TheoreticalStructural Metallurgy | Cottrell | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Atlason Transformation Diagrams of Low Alloy Steels | NML | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Frictionand Wear of Materials | Ravinowicz | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy of Iron and Steel | Kumar | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy Principles | Reedhill | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | AusteniticGrain Size Control of Steel | Nijhawan,Chatterjea | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metals | Carpenter,Robertson | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | TheDetermination of Gases in Metals | Societyof Analytical Chemistry | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Structureand properties of Materials : Volume 2 | Brophy,Rose, Wulff | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Structureand properties of Alloys | Brick,Gordon, Philips | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | EngineeringPhysical Chemistry and Heat Treatment | Lakhtin | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalChemistry | Mee | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy of Iron and Steel | Kumar | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Symposiumon Production, Properties and Application of Alloys and specialsteels | NML | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhaseTransformations in Metals and Alloys | Porter,Easterling | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | EngineeringSteels | Aitchison,Pumphrey | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metallurgyfor Engineers | Rollason | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | TheStructure and Properties of Materials : Vol 4 | Rose,Shepard, Wulff | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Steeland its Heat Treatment: Vol 3 | Bullens | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Elementsof Physical Metallurgy | Guy | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Scienceof Engineering Materials | Chanda | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | ElementaryDislocation Theory | Weertman,Weertman | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Steeland its Heat Treatment: Vol 3 | Bullens | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Ashort handbook of Heat Treatment | Kamenichny | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy | Khangaunkar | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Indo-USWorkshop on Diffusion in Solids | Balaramamurthy,Asundi, Tiwari, Laskar, Subbarao | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | StainlessSteels | Rao,Asundi, Ballal, Gadiyar | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalChemistry of Metals | Darken,Gurry | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metallurgyand Materials Engineering Series : Crystallographic Methods,Principles and Data | Barrett | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Deformationand Fracture at elevated Temperatures | Grant,Mullendore | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metallurgy | Johnson,Weeks | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Structure | Moffatt,Pearsall, Wulff | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Structureof Metals | Barrett | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy Principles | Reedhill | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | MechanicalProperties of Inter-metallic Compounds | Westbrook | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Strengtheningmechanisms of Solids | ASM | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Progressin Thermal Treatment of Materials | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhaseTransformations in Metals and Alloys | Porter,Easterling | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhaseTransformations in Metals and Alloys | Porter,Easterling | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | DiffusionalTransformation in Solids | | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Micro-metallurgy | NML | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | MechanicalProperties of Metals and Alloys | Everhart,Lindlief, Kanegis, Weissler, Siegel | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | RapidlyQuenched and Meta-stable materials | Chattopadhyay,Ranganathan | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Principlesand phase transformations and heat treatment | AK Malik | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | MetallurgicalThermochemistry | Evans,Alcock, Kabus, Chew, Ski | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Textbookof Metallurgy | Bailey | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Elementsof Physical Metallurgy | Guy | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | EngineeringPhysical Metallurgy | Lakhtin | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | MaterialsScience and Engineering | V Raghavan | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | SolidState Physics | Epifanov | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhyiscalMetallurgy for Engineers | Guy | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | ModernPhysical Metallurgy | Smallman | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | TheoreticalStructural Metallurgy | Cottrell | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | AtomicTheory for Students of Metallurgy | Humerothery | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalChemistry of Metals | Darken,Gurry | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | ATextbook of Metallurgy | Bailey | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalChemistry of Metals | Darken,Gurry | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | HeatTreatment of Metals | Zakharov | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Progressin Thermal Treatment of Materials | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metallurgyand Metallurgical Engineering Series : The Physics of Metals | Seitz | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | ModernPhysical Metallurgy | Smallman | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Principlesof Physical Metallurgy | Smith | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Theoryof Alloy Phases | ASM | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Thermodynamics,Energy and Entropy | Chatterjea | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Metallurgyand Metallurgical Engineering Series : Phase Diagrams inMetallurgy | Rhines | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Themechanism of Phase Transformation in Metals | IIM | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Structureof Metals | Barrett,Massalski | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | LiquidMetals and Solidification | ASM | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Indo-USWorkshop on Diffusion in Solids | Balaramamurthy,Asundi, Tiwari, Laskar, Subbarao | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Principlesof Phase Transformations and Heat Treatment | AK Malik | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | Textbookof Metallurgy | Bailey | 2 |
PhysicalMetallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy of Engineers | Clark | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy for Automotive and Engineering Industries | Ramakrishnan | 2 |
Powder | SinteredMetal Carbides | Kuzmina | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy and Related High Temperature Materials | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy and Related High Temperature Materials | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy and Related High Temperature Materials | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy and Related High Temperature Materials | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy and Related High Temperature Materials | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy Alloys | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy Alloys | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy Alloys | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy in Automotive Applications | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy in Automotive Applications | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy in Automotive Applications | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy Alloys | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy Alloys | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy Alloys | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | PowderMetallurgy and Related High Temperature Materials | Ramakrishna | 2 |
Powder | Densificationof Metal Powders during Sintering | Ivenson | 2 |
Ceramics | FundamentalOf Ceramics | Barsoum | 3A |
Ceramics | FundamentalOf Ceramics | Barsoum | 3A |
Ceramics | IntroductionTo Ceramics | Kingery,Bowen,Uhlmann | 3A |
Ceramics | PhysicalCeramics | Chiang,Birnie,Kingery | 3A |
Ceramics | PrinciplesOf Electronic Ceramics | HenchAnd West | 3A |
Ceramics | PrinciplesOf Electronic Ceramics | HenchAnd West | 3A |
Chemical | MetallurgicalThermochemistry | Alcock | 3C |
Chemical | MetallurgicalThermochemistry | Alcock | 3C |
Chemical | ChemicalReaction Engineering | Levenspiel | 3C |
Chemical | ChemicalReaction Engineering | Levenspiel | 3C |
Chemical | PhysicalChemistry | Mcquarrie,Simon | 3C |
Chemical | PhysicalChemistry | Kiselyoya,Karetnikov, Kudrayashov | 3C |
Chemical | UnitOperations Of Chemical Engineering | Mccabe,Smith, Harriott | 3C |
Chemical | Perry'sChemical Engineering Handbook | Perry,Green | 3C |
Chemical | AutomaticControl Engineering | Raven | 3C |
CompositeMaterials | AnIntroduction To Composite Materials | HullAnd Clyne | 3A |
CompositeMaterials | CompositeMaterials Engineering And Science | MatthewsAnd Rawlings | 3A |
Corrosion | CorrosionAnd Chemical Resistant Masonry Materials Handbook | Sheppard,Jr | 3E |
Crystallography | CrystallographyAnd Crystal Chemistry | DonaldBloss | 3C |
Crystallography | CrystallographyAnd Crystal Chemistry | DonaldBloss | 3C |
Crystallography | ElementsOf X Ray Crystallography | Azaroff | 3C |
Crystallography | ElementsOf X-Ray Diffraction | Cullity | 3C |
Crystallography | ElementsOf X-Ray Diffraction | Cullity | 3C |
Crystallography | ElementsOf X-Ray Crystallography | Azaroff | 3D |
Crystallography | MaterialsCharacterization : Mm 653 | | 3D |
Electronics | SolidState Electronic Devices | Streetmen | 3B |
Electronics | ElectronicMaterials | Murarka,Peckerar | 3B |
Electronics | StudentManual For The Art Of Electronics | Hayes,Horowitz | 3B |
Electronics | VlsiTechnology | S.M. Sze | 3B |
Electronics | TheScience And Engineering Of Microelectronic Fabrication | Campbell | 3B |
Electronics | TheScience And Engineering Of Microelectronic Fabrication | Campbell | 3B |
Electronics | TheArt Of Electronics | HorowitzHill | 3B |
EngineeringMathematics | AdvancedEngineering Mathematics | ErwinKreyszig | 3B |
FractureMechanics | DeformationAnd Fracture Mechanics Of Engineering Materials | Hertzberg | 3A |
FractureMechanics | DeformationAnd Fracture Mechanics Of Engineering Materials | Hertzberg | 3A |
FuelsAnd Combustion | FuelsAnd Combustion | SamirSarkar | 3B |
FuelsAnd Combustion | FuelsAnd Combustion | SamirSarkar | 3B |
FuelsAnd Combustion | FuelsAnd Combustion | SamirSarkar | 3B |
FuelsAnd Combustion | FuelsAnd Combustion | SamirSarakar | 3B |
FuelsAnd Combustion | FuelsAnd Combustion | SamirSarakar | 3B |
HeatAnd Mass Transfer | FundamentalOf Heat And Mass Transfer | IncropetaAnd Dewitt | 3A |
HeatAnd Mass Transfer | FundamentalsOf Heat And Mass Transfer | IncropetaAnd Dewitt | 3A |
HeatAnd Mass Transfer | HeatAnd Mass Transfer Data Book | KothandaramanAnd Subramanyan | 3A |
HeatAnd Mass Transfer | FundamentalOf Momentum Heat And Mass Transfer | Welty,Charles Wicks, Wilson | 3A |
HeatAnd Mass Transfer | FundamentalOf Momentum Heat And Mass Transfer | Welty,Charles Wicks, Wilson | 3A |
HeatTransfer | ATextbook On Heat Transfer | Sukhatme | 3A |
HeatTransfer | ATextbook On Heat Transfer | Sukhatme | 3A |
HeatTransfer | ATextbook On Heat Transfer | Sukhatme | 3A |
Management | ProductionAnd Operations Management | Paneerselvam | 3B |
Materials | FrontiersIn Design Of Materials | Raj,Rangnathan, Rao, Shankar | 3C |
Materials | InorganicMaterials Recent Advances | Bahadur,Vitta, Prakash | 3C |
Materials | InorganicMaterials Recent Advances | Bahadur,Vitta, Prakash | 3C |
Materials | IonConducting Materials | Kulkarni,Gopalan | 3C |
MaterialsScience | ElectricalProperties Of Materials | SolymarAnd Walsh | 3B |
MaterialsScience | ElectricalProperties Of Materials | Hummel | 3B |
MaterialsScience | ElectricalProperties Of Materials | Hummel | 3B |
MaterialsScience | IntroductionTo Solid State Physics | Kittel | 3B |
MaterialsScience | IntroductionTo Solids | Azaroff | 3B |
MaterialsScience | MaterialsScience And Engineering | Raghvan | 3B |
MaterialsScience | MaterialsScience And Engineering An Introduction | Callister | 3B |
MaterialsScience | IntroductionTo Engineering Materials | Agrawal | 3B |
MaterialsScience | EngineeringMaterials Properties And Selection | Budinski | 3B |
MaterialsScience | EngineeringMaterials Properties And Selection | Budinski | 3B |
MaterialsScience | MechanicsOf Materials | GereAnd Timoshenko | 3C |
MaterialsScience | MechanicsOf Materials | GereAnd Timoshenko | 3C |
MaterialsScience | MechanicsOf Materials | GereAnd Timoshenko | 3C |
MaterialsScience | MechanicsOf Materials | GereAnd Timoshenko | 3C |
MaterialsScience | MechanicsOf Materials | GereAnd Timoshenko | 3C |
MaterialsScience | ElementsOf Material Science And Engineering | VanVlack | 3C |
MaterialsScience | TheMaterials Science Of Thin Films | Ohring | 3C |
MaterialsScience | TheMaterials Science Of Thin Films | Ohring | 3C |
MaterialsScience | TheMaterials Science Of Thin Films | Ohring | 3C |
MaterialsScience | TheMaterials Science Of Thin Films | Ohring | 3C |
MaterialsScience | TheMaterials Science Of Thin Films | Ohring | 3C |
MaterialsScience | ElectronicMaterials Science And Technology | Murarka,Peckerar | 3C |
MaterialsScience | SurfaceModification Of Materials By Ion Beams 2007 | Kothari,Baglin, Ensinger, Sundaraman | 3E |
MaterialsScience | BulletinOf Materials Science | Iaos | 3E |
MaterialsScience | BulletinOf Materials Science | Iaos | 3E |
MaterialsScience | MaterialsSelection In Mechanical Design | Ashby | 3E |
MaterialsScience | MechanicalBehaviour Of Materials | Courtney | 3E |
MaterialsScience | AdvancesIn Composite Materials | Ramakrishnan | 3E |
MaterialsScience | PhysicalChemistry Of Polymers | Tager | 3E |
MaterialsScience | RapidlySolidified Metastable Materials | Kear,Giessen | 3E |
MaterialsScience | CongressOn Glass: Collected Papers | | 3E |
MaterialsScience | LabView | | 3E |
MaterialsScience | AdvancedCeramics | Ramakrishanan | 3E |
MaterialsScience | FundamentalAnd Applied Electrochemistry | Joshi,Totlani | 3E |
MaterialsScience | SilverJubilee Workshop On Research Needs In Mineral Processing AndChemical Metallurgy | | 3E |
MaterialsScience | Valence | Coulson | 3E |
MaterialsScience | CeramicsMaterials For Electronics | Buchanan | 3E |
MaterialsScience | ElectronicMaterials: Science And Technology | Murarka,Peckerar | 3E |
MaterialsScience | ElectronicMaterials: Science And Technology | Murarka,Peckerar | 3E |
MaterialsScience | ElectronicMaterials: Science And Technology | Murarka,Peckerar | 3E |
MathematicalMethods | EngineeringOptimization | Rao | 3B |
MathematicalMethods | EngineeringOptimization | Rao | 3B |
MathematicalMethods | MathematicalMethods For Physics And Engineering | Riley,Hobson And Bence | 3B |
Mathematics | MathematicalHandbook Of Formulas And Tables | JohnLiu | 3B |
Metallurgy | MetallurgicalAnalysis | Naish,Clennell, Kingswood | 3D |
Metallurgy | PhysicalMetallurgy | Haasen | 3D |
Metallurgy | MetallurgyAnd Metallurgical Engineering Series : Metallurgical Problems | Butts | 3D |
Metallurgy | ElementsOf Physical Metallurgy | Guy | 3D |
Metallurgy | EngineeringPhysical Metallurgy | Lakhtin | 3D |
Metallurgy | ForgingPractice | Kamenshchikov,Koltunnaumov, Chernobrovkin | 3D |
Metallurgy | AnIntroduction To Metallurgy | Cottrell | 3D |
Metallurgy | ProductionOf Ferroalloys | Riss,Khodorovsky | 3D |
Metallurgy | ForgingAnd Forming Metals | Rusinoff | 3D |
Metallurgy | Non-FerrousProduction Metallurgy | Bray | 3D |
Metallurgy | BasicOpen Hearth Steel Making | Philbrook,Bever, Emerick, Larsen | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Metal Casting | Heine,Rosenthal | 3D |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook : Properties And Selection Of Metals | ASM | 3D |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook :Heat Treating, Cleaning And Finishing | ASM | 3D |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook : Forging And Casting | ASM | 3D |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook : Forming | ASM | 3D |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook : Machining | ASM | 3D |
Metallurgy | ProgressIn Thermal Treatment Of Materials | Ramakrishnan | 3D |
Metallurgy | StrengthOf Materials | Singh | 3D |
Metallurgy | FlyAsh For Sustainable Development | Bhanumathidas,Kalidas | 3D |
Metallurgy | InstrumentalMethods Of Analysis | Willard,Merritt, Dean | 3D |
Metallurgy | Making,Shaping And Treating Of Steel | UsSteel | 3D |
Metallurgy | AUsers Guide To Vacuum Technology | O'hanlon | 3D |
Metallurgy | AUsers Guide To Vacuum Technology | O'hanlon | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Extractive Metallurgy | Rosenqvist | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Extractive Metallurgy | Rosenqvist | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Extractive Metallurgy | Rosenqvist | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Extractive Metallurgy | Rosenqvist | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Extractive Metallurgy | Rosenqvist | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Extractive Metallurgy | Rosenqvist | 3D |
Metallurgy | Hydrometallurgy | Venkatachalam | 3D |
Metallurgy | TribologyIn 2000 And Beyond | HarPrashad | 3D |
Metallurgy | PrinciplesOf Mineral Dressing | Gaudin | 3E |
Metallurgy | LaboratoryExperiments In Mineral Engineering | Venkatachalam,Degaleesan | 3E |
Metallurgy | LaboratoryExperiments In Mineral Engineering | Venkatachalam,Degaleesan | 3E |
Metallurgy | BeneficiationOf Mineral Fines | Somasundaran,Arbiter | 3E |
Metallurgy | Production/OperationManagement: Contemporary Policy For Managing Operating Systems | LevinMclaughlin Lamone Kottas | 3E |
Metallurgy | ProceedingsOf The Symposium On Amorphous Materials | Barc | 3E |
Metallurgy | PowderMetallurgy Alloys | Ramakrishnan | 3E |
Metallurgy | InternationalePulvermetallurgiche Tagung In Der Ddr | Vortrage | 3E |
Metallurgy | InternationalePulvermetallurgiche Tagung In Der Ddr | Vortrage | 3E |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook | | 3E |
Metallurgy | InternationalPowder Metallurgy Conference | Florence,Itally | 3E |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook: 1954 Supplement | | 3E |
Metallurgy | MetalsHandbook: 1955 Supplement | | 3E |
MetalsAnd Alloys | PhaseTransformations In Metals And Alloys | Porter,Easterling | 3C |
MetalsAnd Alloys | PhaseTransformations In Metals And Alloys | Porter,Easterling | 3C |
MetalsAnd Alloys | PhaseTransformations In Metals And Alloys | Porter,Easterling | 3C |
Microcontroller | The8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming And Applications | Ayala | 3B |
Microcontroller | The8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming And Applications | Ayala | 3B |
Microprocessor | MicroprocessorArchitecture Programming And Applications With The 8085 | Gaonkar | 3B |
Microprocessor | MicroprocessorArchitecture Programming And Applications With The 8085 | Gaonkar | 3B |
Miscellaneous | IndustrialRadiology | Rumyantser | 3E |
Miscellaneous | FundamentalsOf Geology | Obruchev | 3E |
Miscellaneous | InternationalConference On Advances In Chemical Metallurgy | | 3E |
Miscellaneous | ResourceRecovery From Municipal Solid Wastes | Diaz,Savage, Golueke | 3E |
Miscellaneous | IntroductoryStatistics | Twaaite,Monroe | 3E |
Miscellaneous | FundamentalAnd Applied Electrochemistry | Joshi,Totlani | 3E |
Miscellaneous | SinteringAnd Related Phenomena | Kuczynski,Hooton, Gibbon | 3E |
Miscellaneous | UnitOperations Of Chemical Engineering | Mccabe,Smith, Harriott | 3E |
Miscellaneous | ResourceRecovery From Municipal Solid Wastes | Diaz,Savage, Golueke | 3E |
Miscellaneous | BasicFrom The Group Up | Simon | 3E |
Miscellaneous | FundamentalsOf Organic Chemistry | Nesmeyanov | 3E |
Miscellaneous | DifferentialGames | Isaacs | 3E |
Miscellaneous | RecyclingInternational | Kozmiensky | 3E |
NumericalMethods | NumericalRecipes In C | Press,Teukolsky, Vellerling, Flannery | 3B |
NumericalMethods | ElementaryNumerical Analysis | Atkinson | 3B |
Polymer | PrinciplesOf Polymer Engineering | Mccrum,BurckleyAnd Bucknall | 3A |
Polymer | TextbookOf Polymer Science | W.Billmeyer | 3A |
PowderMetallurgy | AutomotiveApplications | Ramamohan,Ramakrishnan | 3A |
PowderMetallurgy | AutomotiveApplications | Ramamohan,Ramakrishnan | 3A |
Semiconductor | ProcessEngineering Analysis In Semiconductor Devices Fabrication | MiddlemanAnd Hochberg | 3B |
Semiconductor | PhysicsOf Semiconductor Devices | S.M. Sze | 3B |
Semiconductor | SolidState Electronic Devices | StreetmanAnd Banerjee | 3B |
Thermodynamics | Thermodynamics,Energy And Entropy | Pitzer | 3A |
Thermodynamics | ThermodynamicsAnd Its Applications | Modell,Reid | 3A |
Thermodynamics | ThermodynamicsAnd Its Applications | Modell,Reid | 3A |
Thermodynamics | ThermodynamicsAnd Its Applications | Modell,Reid | 3A |
Thermodynamics | ThermodynamicsAnd Its Applications | Modell,Reid | 3A |
Thermodynamics | ThermodynamicsIn Materials Science | Dehoff | 3A |
Thermodynamics | IntroductionOf Thermodynamics Of Materials | Gaskell | 3A |
TransportPhenomena | TransportPhenomena | ByronBird, Warren E. Stewart, Lightfoot | 3A |
TransportPhenomena | TransportPhenomena | ByronBird, Warren E. Stewart, Lightfoot | 3A |
TransportPhenomena | AnIntroduction To Transport Phenomena In Materials Engineering | Gaskell | 3A |
TransportPhenomena | AnIntroduction To Transport Phenomena In Materials Engineering | Gaskell | 3A |
TransportPhenomena | AnIntroduction To Transport Phenomena In Materials Engineering | Gaskell | 3A |
TransportPhenomena | AnIntroduction To Transport Phenomena In Materials Engineering | Gaskell | 3A |
TransportPhenomena | AnIntroduction To Transport Phenomena In Materials Engineering | Gaskell | 3A |
Welding | Welding | A.C.Davies | 3A |