i | Title of the course | MM 640 - Modelling of Microstructural evalution
ii | Credit structure | L T P C 2 2 0 6
iii | Pre-requisite, if any | None
iv | Course content | Numerical preliminaries: spectral and finite difference techniques, Fast Fourier Transforms, phase field, Monte Carlo and level set methods, Materials preliminaries: Thermodynamics of phase separation, nucleation and spinodal mechanisms of phase separation, continuum equations of diffusion Case studies: phase field models and their implementation for spinodal decomposition, solidification, and precipitate growth kinetics, Monte Carlo/Potts models and their implementation for grain growth
v | Texts/References | [1] DA Porter and K E Easterling, Phase transformations in metals and alloys, Chapman and Hall, 1981.[2] K G F Janssens, D Raabe, E Kozeschnik, M A Miodownik, and B Nestler, Computational materials engineering: an introduction to microstructure evolution, Academic Press, 2007.[3] K F Riley, M P Hobson and S J Bence, Mathematical methods for physics and engineering: a comprehensive guide, Cambrdige University Press, 2006.[4] W H Press, S A Teukolsky, W T Vetterling, and B P Flannary, Numerical recipes in C: The art of scientific computing, Cambridge University Press, 2007.[5] GNU Scientific Library -- Reference manual, available online at http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/[6] FFTW3 -- Manual, available online at http://www.fftw.org/#documentation
vi | Instructor(s) name | Prof. M.P.Gururajan |