Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life.-Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Prof.P. Vedagiri
Dean (IPS)

Prof. Venkata Santosh Kumar Delhi
Assoc. Dean-I (IPS)

Prof. Ramesh Singh
Assoc. Dean-II (IPS)

Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan
Assoc. Dean-III (IPS)

The Dean, Infrastructure Planning & Support (Dean IPS) is expected to take full responsibility of creation of new civil infrastructure, and maintenance of existing civil infrastructure in the IIT Bombay campus. The civil infrastructure includes all buildings in the academic area, residential hostels for students, staff accommodation of various types, buildings for general facilities, roads, gardens, playgrounds, along with related utilities such as water supply, electricity supply for the whole campus.

The Dean IPS is also expected to be responsible to all estate related matters that may come up time to time such as allotment of accommodation (staff and faculty), outsourcing of labour and conservancy staff services, space allocation, rentals of rooms, shops, recreation areas within the campus. Specifically the following key units of the institute will be accountable to Dean IPS-

  1. For civil infrastructure maintenance, the Estate Office
  2. For power supply and electrical maintenance including Air-conditioning, the  Electrical Maintenance Division
  3. For interior renovation/decoration/design works, the Design Cell
  4. For health related requirements, the Health Office of the institute.
  5. For fire and safety requirements, the Fire and Safety Section of the institute.

The Dean IPS will be the convenor of Infrastructure Planning Advisory committee, whose main role is to provide inputs to Dean IPS Office for achieving a systematic growth of civil infrastructure with minimal disturbance to the environment and preserving the flora and fauna of the campus. The committee will have faculty experts with architectural, civil and environmental background, and will be constituted by the Director/Deputy Director of the institute.
For creation of new civil infrastructure, the Dean IPS will be supported by the chief advisor (civil infrastructure) and several Officers on Special Duty who will be contract employees in the institute. For sharing the responsibilities, and for smooth functioning of the Dean IPS office, the Dean IPS will be supported by three Associate Deans.