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ystem for
Old Undergraduate Academic Fees for Reference
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees by UG Students for the Spring Semester 2023-24
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees by UG Entrants (2023 Batch) for the Autumn Semester 2023-24
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees by UG Students (except incoming 2023 batch) for the Autumn Semester 2023-24
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees by "On-roll UG Students (2022 batch)" for the Spring Semester 2022-23.
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees by "On-roll UG Students (except 2022 batch)" for the Spring Semester 2022-23.
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees by UG Entrants (i.e. 2022 Batch) for the Autumn Semester 2022-23
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees by on-roll UG Students (except UG new entrants i.e. 2022 batch) for the Autumn Semester 2022-23
Schedule for Payment of Fees by on-roll UG Students (2021 Batch) for the Spring Semester 2021-2022
Schedule for Payment of Fees by on-roll UG Students for the Spring Semester 2021-22
Schedule for Payment of Fees by UG new entrants for the Spring Semester 2021-22
Schedule for Payment of Fees by on-roll UG Students for the Autumn Semester 2021-2022
Schedule for Payment of Fees by UG new entrants for the Autumn Semester 2021-2022
Payment of Fees by One Year Preparatary Course students (2021-Batch) for the Spring Semester 2021-2022
Updated on 24/07/2020
Schedule for Payment of Fees for Preparatory One year Course for the Autumn Semester 2021-2022
Schedule of Payment of Fees by on-roll UG Students for the Spring Semester 2020-2021
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG new entrants for the Autumn Semester 2020-21
Schedule of Payment of Fees by on-roll UG Students for the Autumn Semester 2020-2021
Fee Structure for On roll students for the Autumn Semester 2020-21 (All Programmes)
Updated on 24/07/2020
Fee Structure for New Entrants for the Autumn Semester 2020-21 (All Programmes)
Updated on 24/07/2020
Schedule of Payment of fees For UG Students for the Spring Semester 2019-2020
Schedule of Payment of fees For UG Students for the Autumn semester 2019-2020
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Spring Semester 2018-2019
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Autumn Semester 2018-2019
Schedule of Fee Structure for UG Programme for the Spring Semester 2017-2018
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Autumn Semester 2017-2018
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Spring Semester 2016-2017
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Autumn Semester 2016-2017
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Spring Semester 2015-2016
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Autumn Semester 2015-2016
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Spring Semester 2014-2015
Schedule of Payment of fees by UG Students for the Autumn Semester 2014-2015