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Undergraduate Programmes at IIT Bombay

Admission to Undergraduate Programmes at IIT Bombay is through the JEE Advanced Examination

For more information, you may visit JEE Advanced Website.

Information to UG New Entrants (2024-2025) New

Interested candidates are encouraged to visit the webpages of the departments of their interest to see the scope of work in that department, courses of study, faculty profiles, research activity and other information.

Dual Degree Programme

  • The Dual Degree programme (DD) is a 5 year programme where, upon successful completion of the necessary academic requirements, a student is awarded two Degrees: e.g. B.Tech. Degree of the parent department (e.g. Electrical Engineering), M.Tech. Degree of the Specialization within the parent department (e.g. Communication and Signal Processing).

  • IIT Bombay offers admission to Dual Degree Programme only in one department i.e. Electrical engineering.

Department offering Dual Degree (B.Tech.+M.Tech.) Programme

Conversion to Dual Degree/ Inter Disciplinary Dual Degree Programme

  • IIT Bombay offers conversion of 4 yr. UG programme (B.Tech.) to 5 yr. Dual Degree programme (e.g. B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering and M. Tech. in a specialization of Mechanical Engineering) in each of the departments. Interested and eligible students can apply for this in due course of time.

  • IIT Bombay also offers conversion of 4 yr. UG programme to 5 yr. Inter Disciplinary Dual Degree Programme where a student can earn B.Tech. degree in one department and M.Tech./ M.Sc./ MBA Degree in another department e.g. B.Tech. Degree in the parent department (e.g. Mechanical Engineering) and M.Tech. Degree in the host department (e.g. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science). Interested and eligible students can apply for this at the end of 6th Semester.
