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Introduction to Science Technology & ethics

Science, Technology & Ethics

Under the Cell for Human Values, Professor Rowena Robinson and D Parthasarathy from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences are running a seminar series titled 'Science, technology and ethics'.

The first two talks in the series were given by

  • Professor S K Pandya (Eminent Neurosurgeon and Editor Emeritus 'Issues in Medical Ethics') on 'Ethics in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions'
  • Professor D Balasubrahmanian (Director of Research, L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad) on 'Ethical issues in Biomedicine'.

Future talks have been lined up by, for instance,
  • Professor Anil Gupta on Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Dr Smitu Kothari on science in development and ethical issues in that area.
  • Professor Dinesh Mohan on ethics in policy making and planning.

These are all talks by eminent persons, well-known in their fields, practicing professionals, who confront, struggle with and have shown a remarkable degree of success in handling ethical issues in their specific fields.

By exposing our students to eminent professionals from areas ranging from the pure sciences, engineering, development practice and planning and administration we want them to appreciate the generality of ethical issues, which will affect them integrally wherever they find their professional niche in the future, as well as the specific moral dilemmas that impinge in particular professions.

In an engineering institute like this it is possible for training to become very strictly focused, when we really need to realize the linkages between technique, research and the larger vision in which they are embedded. For the IITs, it was the Nehruvian vision linking IIT education with India's development goals. Keeping this in mind, we are trying in the series to link the IIT education with ideas of a moral and ethical environment.

For Further details please contact:

1)Prof. R. Robinson         Email : rw[AT]   Phone:+91-022-5722545 Ext-7355
2)Prof. D Parthasarathy   Email :   Phone:+91-022-5722545 Ext-7372