To reserve and use rooms in Lecture Complex, IC rooms and MB rooms
- Authorised users who can make reservations: All faculty, office.xx account. Users need to login using their LDAP to make room reservations.
- Users are requested to book the smallest size room only that is required for the activity, for just the sufficient time.
- In the booking interface, provide details such as the Activity Type, Activity Description. Expected room occupancy, Contact details of the user, etc
- Rooms can be booked only for the following activities:
- Extra lectures/ tutorials/ lab
- Tests & Exams
- Presentations (including APS)
- Department seminar
- Any booking that does not satisfy the above points require prior approval from Dean AP. Users can send a letter to Dean APs office with the special request, along with necessary details.
- Users are also requested to cancel any prior bookings, if the case arises, thus freeing the room for use by others.
- Academic Office reserves the right to modify the bookings under special circumstances. The users will be informed accordingly.
- To view the room availability, kindly check http://portal.iitb.ac.in/irbs/
To book a specific room, please contact Academic Office Ext: 4015, Email_id: ug_acad@iitb.ac.in )
- Booking here require NO approval and are taken as confirmed.
- Rooms need to be booked at least 24 hours in advance and at most 10 days in advance
- Only one-off bookings allowed, with a maximum duration of 3 hours per booking. Users can do multiple bookings.
- Tips:
- Consider holding tests/ extra lectures in Slot 7A/ 7B (Wed & Fri mornings).Lecture Complex rooms (Halls, LCH, LCC) have been kept available for this purpose only.
- Prefer to hold the presentations (APS, etc) in the afternoon sessions in LCT rooms.