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M.Sc./M.Sc.+ Ph.D. Information

Information for the New Entrants admitted through JAM 2024 at IIT Bombay to M.Sc. & M.Sc. + Ph.D. programmes

Event Date Venue
Hostel availability 25th July 2024 (Thursday) onwards Respective hostels
Orientation Reporting 25th July 2024 (Thursday) at 9.00 a.m. Convocation Hall
Registration 25th July 2024 (Thursday) and 26th July 2024 (Friday) Respective departments
Last date for submission of pending Documents By 30th August 2024 (Friday) Respective departments
Instructions Begin 29th July 2024 (Monday) According to timetable

Schedule for payment and details of fee :

Academic Fees Hostel Fees
Schedule for Payment of Academic Fees Schedule for payment of Hostel fees
You are advised to check the academic homepage ( regularly for updates.

Onboarding information

1- A welcome email will be sent to all PG new entrants on their registered email addresses. This email shall contain login details for the IIT Bombay IT services. Please read the information below carefully and complete the requirements for a smooth transition to campus life.

2- Your IITB roll number will be your primary identification number in the Institute.

Before Coming to the Institute:

  • Visit to accept IT Access Policy and activate your IT services login ID. Your login ID is your Roll Number (in lowercase), and your initial password will be shared on your registered email ID. We recommend changing the default password of your LDAP ID by logging in to:

  • After accepting the IT policy, logon to

    • Fill out personal information and accept the declarations.

    • Pay the Semester Mess Advance (SMA).

      • It is mandatory to pay SMA as soon as the roll number is generated. In case of any delay due to unavoidable reasons, please note that the last date for SMA payment is 31st July 2024. Students can inquire about SMA payment with their respective Hostel Managers when they arrive on campus for room allotment.

      • Students who are eligible for free messing must pay the SMA and apply for free messing after joining the Institute.

    • Pre-filled forms are available on ASC Portal. Take print out, affix photographs, put signature on it, and bring these pre-filled documents on your arrival.

      • Student and Parent Declaration Form (to be submitted to respective departments during Registration).

      • Hostel Registration Form (to be submitted to respective Hostel Office before collecting keys).

      • Medical File Record (to be shown and verified by a Medical Officer of IIT Bombay during document verification). You will be provided a file to keep the Medical Record which must be brought for any IITB Hospital visit.

Upon Arrival at the Institute:

  • Show the barcode printed on the Visitor Entry Pass (Shared on your registered Email ID) at the Main Gate for entry by you/parents/guardians to the campus.

  • Report at your allotted hostel along with the Hostel Registration Form for collecting keys to your room for the first year of study.

  • Report at the Common Registration Desk (at SBI/SAC Parking Area) along with the Hostel Registration Form for completing the formalities and collecting room keys. Student volunteers would be around in this area to guide you to your respective hostel/hostel room.

Additional Information:

Hospital Related Information:

1- All students have to meet an IITB Hospital doctor (according to a schedule that will be shared later) with a copy of the Medical File Record.

2- On verification of this record, the doctor will authenticate the records and create a personal medical file to be retained by the student. This file is compulsory for all hospital visits to IITB Hospital for the purposes of:
  • Medical consultation

  • Maintaining Medical/surgical history

  • For issuing a medical certificate for treatment undertaken at IITB hospital

  • To know any previous drug allergy/ Any other allergy

  • Reimbursement of medicine/ treatment taken at referred empanelled hospital outside

  • To know the patient's medical / Surgical history in case of an emergency visit to the IIT hospital.


  • These vaccines are highly recommended as there is a high incidence of these diseases in a closed community, resulting in high morbidity and significant loss of working days for students.

  • Recommended Vaccines

    1. MMR (One booster is recommended after 15 yrs. of age)

    2. Chicken Pox

    3. Typhoid

    4. Hepatitis 'A'

  • For making Hospital Medical folder

    1. The students are requested to take at least one of the above-mentioned vaccines (Preferably M.M.R vaccine) before coming to the campus.

    2. Those students who have updated the record of vaccination should bring their record for verification.

    3. At least proof of one of the above vaccines is required for making a Medical folder

    4. Those students who don't have vaccination record/ not taken the above vaccine, may be given the vaccine in IITB hospital on payment basis.

    Checklist of Essential Documents to Bring

    • Visitor pass (on the phone or printed)

    • Declaration form signed by the student.

    • Hostel Registration Form (after SMA payment) signed by student and parent/guardian.

    • Medical File Record Form

    • Childhood immunisation certificates/records

    • Printout of Offer letter provided by JAM.

    The following are available on the Institute's website

    1- Rules and Regulations

    2- Academic Calendar 2024-25

    3- Course Structure and Course Curriculum of respective Department>Academics>course info>Browse Bulletin

    4- Contact details/work profile of the Academic Staff

    5- Downloadable forms:
