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PG/Ph.D. Admissions for the Academic year (2025-26) - Autumn Semester

The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) is one of the Twenty three higher Institutes of Technology in the country set up with the objective of making available facilities for higher education, research and training in various programmes of Science and Technology.

The Institute has presently more than 12,500 students undergoing various UG Programme (B.Tech., Dual Degree, B.S., B.Des.), B.Des.+M.Des. (Dual Degree) and PG Programme (M.Tech./M.Tech.+Ph.D. (Dual Degree)), M.Des., MBA., EMBA, M.Sc., M.Sc.-Ph.D. (Dual Degree) in Energy), MPP, M.S. By Research in CSE/CMinds, MA+Ph.D (Dual Degree) in Philosophy, Master of Arts by Research (MA.Res.), Master in Development Practice' (MDP) and Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.).

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