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Scholarships instituted by the Private Trusts/Organizations

There are several scholarships instituted by various private organizations. These are available to students joining the undergraduate programmes, on the basis of merit or merit-cum-means. Some scholarships are awarded purely on merit.

Merit Criterion : For new entrants (B.Tech., M.Sc. 5-year integrated and M.Tech. dual degree) their JEE-AIR or the 1st Semester Performance Index (SPI) will be the criterion. In subsequent years, the corresponding criterion will be their academic performance i.e. Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) during the preceding academic year.

Means Criterion : The parental income is the basis for the `meansÂ’ criterion of the scholarship. At present students whose parent's annual gross income from all sources does not exceed Rs.5,00,000/-, are eligible to apply for Private Trusts/Organizations Scholarships.

Those students who have applied for the Private Trust Scholarships will not be considered for the Institute Merit-cum-Means Scholarships.
